Flight canceled, odyssey over for Italians stranded in Rhodes


The misadventure of the 155 Italians stranded at Rhodes Airport since the night between Sunday and Monday, due to a canceled flight, is heading towards the conclusion. Also Enac was interested in the situation (WHAT TO DO TO GET REFUND.)

The reasons for the cancellation of the plane of Italy

The disadvantages at the port of Rhodes and D & D Other Greek islands would have been caused by interruption of the acceptance systems and, in addition to our compatriots, involved about three thousand pbadengers from all over Europe. The case of the 155 Italians, in particular, concerned a Blue Panorama flight which was due to take off at 22:30 on Sunday 29 July for Rome Fiumicino (scheduled arrival at 23:55). The plane of the Italian company that was to load them, coming from Bologna, had been diverted to Athens where the 139 pbadengers on board had landed, all helped by the company: they slept in hotels in the Greek capital. Late in the afternoon of Monday, they arrived on the Greek island. For those who stayed in Rhodes, however, a lot of inconvenience as there was no room in the hotels. So much so that many had aired through social media

The flight leaving in the evening and the involvement of Enac

As announced by Blue Panorama, the latter will leave in the evening in Rome . "The problem – tells the commercial director of Blue Panorama, Remo Della Porta – arose when due to a technical malfunction in the Rhodes authorization system, the control tower did not give the right to land, a problem that – as reported by ENAC – it was many flights of different companies.The aircraft Blue Panorama waited two hours above the airport then sailed to Athens ". For our Italians stranded in Rhodes, however, given the unavailability of the rooms, "we searched for restaurants in the city to give our guests a minimum of refreshment". Even the National Agency for Civil Aviation, during the day, was interested in the situation, which followed "in the interest of users and in application of Community legislation existing on badistance to persons involved in cancellations, prolonged delays, overbooking and lack of information

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Date last updated 30 July 2018 20:40

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