Flight to the central post office of Naples, huge booty: the band of the hole causes chaos and malori – Photogallery


For none of those present was hospitalization. There were no injuries, only a lot of fear among employees and pensioners, who could not receive either the pension or the thirteenth. The thieves escaped with a loot of half a million euros


retired pensioners and various evils charged in various ways at the central post office of Naples, where the hole band scored a half a million euros firing. Two fugitives and many seniors who are waiting to receive the monthly, as well as a few employees who have been accused of being (more often than not) for the theft which fortunately has ended without injury.

The bandits entered the building through a tunnel dug by the sewer system. They expected to find a lot of money, and it was so. It is not by chance that criminals have chosen a particular day, that of the beginning of the month coinciding with the payment of pensions and the fourteenth month of salary for the holders of social pensions. In the chapel of the Piazza Matteotti headquarters, there were eleven packets of bank notes for a total of 650 thousand euros, and the thieves took away eight. About half a million, even though the actual amount of money stolen is still being quantified.

The action was ultra-fast, to allow escape before the arrival of the police: the building of the central post office is a few meters from the police headquarters and provincial command carabineers.


The two criminals entered a room behind the vault through the floor shortly after 8 am, both dressed in a white coat and covered with a hood. One of the two, armed, threatened an employee to open the safe, while chaos was unleashed outside the boxes: the posts were already full of people online, in especially retirees, who in a succession of cries They fled.

Beyond the crates, there was also an armed security guard who was waiting for a free throw line, and then directed the weapon towards the criminals, who flew across the same line. lair.

Dozens of men from the State Police arrived on the spot, who began searches in a large area with the help of a helicopter and helicopter. team of divers for the exploration of the purification tunnels. There is no record of criminals up here

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