Fondi della Lega, Salvini: "I'm going to see Mattarella". But the hill: "Ignoring all"


Sources close to the League revealed that there are already contacts between the party and the Quirinale and that the return of the Lithuanian mission Sergio Mattarella will identify a date for a meeting with Matteo Salvini . The latter would like to face the head of state the decision of the Supreme Court to allow the prosecutors of Genoa to seize the funds of the League, going to get them "wherever they are " until reach 49 million euros. Of the Quirinal, however, be aware that besides being "visiting abroad" the President of the Repibblica "has no knowledge of 39, no contact ". It is at Villa Taverna, just before the reception on July 4, that Salvini reaffirms the desire to meet Mattarella to speak, face to face, of the Supreme Court's decision on seizure of League funds. A judgment that has no difficulty in marking as a way for "to ban what is called the first part in Italy" . A "political" sentence, in short. And that is why he wants to bring it to the attention of the head of state. "Now he is abroad – Salvini tells reporters – he is involved in another" . But, he adds, "I know that in the past he was sensitive to the fact that there is a right to speak, a freedom of expression and a political action for all" . From the Quirinal Palace, however, a sonora arrives in a short time denied . "The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella – they only communicate the Colle – is visiting abroad and is not aware of any contact" . Nothing more. Enough, however, to increase the tensions that had already been created in the majority for the tear of the Guardian of the Seals (grillino) Alfonso Bonafede that, two days after the filing of the motives by the Supreme Court on the cause which involved Umberto Bossi and the treasurer of Carroccio Belsito, noted that as far as anyone can defend up to the last degree of judgment, "sentences must be respected " enon go " evokes scenarios that seem to belong more to the Second Republic "

What Salvini simply can not do, is that Lega are challenged for twenty years or so. "If someone in the past has incorrectly spent 300 thousand euros, because of that you speak, and will be sentenced permanently – says the head of the Ministry of the Interior – of this amount, even if it has nothing to do, I am personally ready to take charge ". But, he wants to be clear immediately, "if it means attacking politically a party that wins the trust of the people, I will speak with Mattarella" and "he will decide when there is democracy is at stake or everything is normal ". It remains only to be seen if the head of state wants to badyze the case. Asked by the agency Agi leaving the Villa Taverna, Salvini confirmed: "Giorgetti spoke with the Quirinale, I am sure that meeting with Mattarella will be" .

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