for Lazio Tar, refunds must arrive by December 31st


The decision was made yesterday, Friday, November 2by the Regional Administrative Court of Lazio and could be a good Christmas surprise for millions of Italian consumers. The sentence concerns a appeal on appeal presented by Vodafone against the resolution of the Guarantee Authority [VIDEO] of the telecommunications market which forced the telephone companies to return to their customers what had been improperly collected, between 2016 and 2017, with the switch to billing from one 28 days. The Lazio TAR, which had initially suspended the application of the AGCOM resolution pending the final verdict, has finally rendered its decision.

And the sentence was rejection.

Motivations for the ART decision

In its judgment, the Regional Administrative Court of Lazio expressly stated that they would not exist objective reasons preventing the telephone companies from adapting to the demand addressed to them by the Guarantor Authority. There would not even be the dreaded technological problems to create what the Tar defines as "insurmountable difficulties".

The repayment terms

Lazio TAR has also put in place, perhaps by definitely putting the word "end" to a long-standing problem that goes back to the 2017, that the customers – the consumers will have to receive the refunds which are due to them by the direct credit on tickets phone. The refunds will cover all invoices issued with a periodicity of four weeks or 28 days from the date of June 23, 2017.

This accreditation must be carried out, as mentioned above, no later than December 31, 2018.

The interpretation of the Agcom is confirmed

With this decision, expected by many consumers, the TAR of Lazio only confirms the approach and legal interpretation of the case given by the Italian Telecommunications Authority, which has already June 2017 had forced the major telephone companies to return to Monthly Billing eliminate this at 28 days. The latter has actually increased the monthly payments actually paid by customers to the telephone companies. Being the compound year of 52 weeks, 28-day or four-week billing allowed telephone companies to receive more or less 13 months 12. The telephone companies had appealed, perhaps hoping even long-term that the Italian justice be founded, and the Tar had, as mentioned above, suspended the entry into force of the resolution until 39 at the end of the verdict. What time has happened In addition, during the summer, Agcom reiterated that the consumer rebate deadline was December 31, 2018. Now to the telephone companies [VIDEO] there should be no other way out than to make the payments owed.

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