For Mattarella, the Europeanist spirit of Georgia is a model


  Mattarella European Union Georgia

"The European choice of Tbilisi is not an instrumental craze, but a vocation rooted in the history and in the heart of the Georgian people". That's what President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella said in his speech at the University of Tbilisi, the oldest in the entire Caucasus. "The creation of this prestigious university inspires the ideals of freedom and independence of Ilia Chavchavadze and his generation." The Georgian patriot, already in the mid-nineteenth century, carefully examined the ferments who crossed Europe and, above all, the Risorgimento.He admired the charismatic figure of Giuseppe Garibaldi, "said Mattarella

democratic roots in Georgian culture

" This university has formed a large part of the ruling clbad of the country and constitutes a symbol of identity and – at the same time – it is an expression of its vocation of openness, rooted in the values ​​of democracy and the state of law that characterize European civilization and that inspired the first republican constitution of Georgia, a very advanced document that provides for a series of universal suffrage rights for women and men at the abolition of the pain e of death, a charter that protects the freedoms of expression and faith, social rights and those of minorities. The 1921 Constitution had a long life. But its ideal foundations remain sources of inspiration. "

" Our friendship comes from far away – said Mattarella -. It dates back to before Christianity, in the era of Emperor Vespasian. Outpost to the east of the Roman Empire and a millenary transit corridor between Europe and Asia, this land has always been a destination for travelers to Italy . "Italians and Georgians have a natural affinity. And they collaborate successfully in the most diverse sectors, "he added, recalling that the relationship has never been interrupted, not even in the USSR. Georgia is very present in Italy, in memory, sympathy, respect, in common projects. The same thing happens here for our country. In 1968, some Georgian families welcomed children affected by the Belice earthquake, "he said.

The proximity of Italy

" In the early 1990s, the war turned upside down the life of the little Georgians. For years, hundreds of children affected by the dramatic consequences of the conflict have been greeted by families from Palermo, a twin city with Tbilisi. From their experience, and the resulting link, was born the Italian School of Tbilisi, which today can boast of a successful bilingual section. "" The increase in the teaching of Italian in this school and in many other Georgian schools is among our goals – guaranteed -. As well as increasing scholarships for university students. More than 300 Georgians have been studying at our universities over the years, and an agreement signed yesterday will allow additional mutual funds. "

" Georgian experts take courses of specialization at the Istituto Superiore per Conservazione Restoration, with scholarships offered by the Italian Government under a bilateral program. Starting next autumn, with the involvement of this university, new initiatives will be launched dedicated to the most innovative technologies for the protection and promotion of cultural heritage, of which 2018 is dedicated, the European Year. cultural heritage. "

National for Research and the Shota Rustaveli Foundation have strengthened their joint research plan and the Cotec Foundation – which I have the honor to chair – in collaboration with the Agency's Agency. Local Innovation has launched a prize for the best Georgian innovator, who develop his intuition at Kilometro Rosso of Bergamo, one of the leading innovation districts of our country – he concluded – Our National Institute. of Nuclear Physics and the National Center of Oncology of Pavia have discussed with the Technological Institute of Georgia a particularly important collaboration, that of the creation of a particle accelerator for the treatment of tumors and research ". 19659010] If you have corrections, suggestions or comments write to [email protected]

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