For Trump, the United States is no longer in the views of Russia. But then he corrects himself again


For Donald Trump, the United States is no longer a target of Russia. It was the thought of the US president during a brief exchange with reporters at the White House, who asked him if the US was still in the Soviet sights. And that the tycoon dismissed with a "thank you very much, no", before inviting the reporters to leave the room. Sarah Sanders, White House spokeswoman, responded to journalists' requests for clarification on Trump's "no" response in recent hours to the Moscow threat question: "We believe the threat exists. and for that we are working to avoid "Russia's interference in the elections.

Moscow's new attempts to interfere in many parts of the United States continue to be alarming. In recent days, National Intelligence chief Dan Coats has reiterated the threat of cyberattacks, saying the situation is at a "critical point".

Coats compared the "warning signs" to those that preceded 9/11. "Today, the digital infrastructure that serves our country is literally under attack," he told the Hudson Institute in Washington. "It is in the months leading up to September 11th that, according to George Tenet, then director of the CIA, the system has glowed and nearly two decades later, I am here to tell you that the only thing I can do is to say that I'm not sure. red alarm flashes again ". to Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, among those who "continue their efforts to undermine our democracy" and describe Russia as "the most aggressive foreign actor, without doubt "

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