Foreign media: farewell to the "visionary who saved Fiat"


"Star", "visionary", "daring man". But above all, almost everywhere, "the man who saved the Fiat". Sergio's death
Marchionne, CEO of FCA, dominates the front pages of all major world newspapers. The portraits
the foreign media emphasize his negotiating skills, his obsessive pace of work and his eclectic culture, from financial budgets to the degree of philosophy and the latest project,
unfinished, to devote oneself to theoretical physics. "Because it's one of the most difficult things that exist," said Marchionne.
by the way, as the Financial Times recalls.

Financial Times: One of the Boldest Rulers
Just the Ft remembers Marchionne as "one of the most daring leaders in his generation: he has never lost hunger "
bright, better so complicated. Ft reconstructs the management-led process of the company recalling the exceptional work temperament ("I'm never on vacation"), he reportedly wrote angrily to the Ft.
once), the taste for the most complex challenges and encyclopaedic culture, ranging from Hernest's quotes
Hemingway to those of one of his favorite rock stars, Bruce Springsteen. Among the current generation of leaders of the industry
car, only Carlos Ghosn from Renault has been charging longer.

The Wall Street Journal: an industry star
About rock stars. Marchionne is defined by the Wall Street Journal, who opens his site by paying tribute "a star of the auto industry and his death closes an era for Detroit, where he was one of the general directors
untouchable ". The director "challenged the orthodoxy of the auto industry, and was ahead of its competitors in some of the most
important trends in the automotive industry, "adds the Wsj, reporting the words of Evercore, who at the time of his
Exit by FCA, he defines him as one of the "most successful and most formidable" general managers of the automotive industry.

Frankfurter Allgemeine: the end of an era
"His death is seen as the end of an era". Frankfurter Allgemeine Frankfurt's financial daily, dedicates the opening of his site to the death of the Italian manager. The newspaper
acknowledges to the manager that he has multiplied the value of the company and has perceived the potential of "niche brands", beyond
to have revived the fortunes of Ferrari. Also the weekly Der Spiegel speaks of the sunset of a 14-year-old season, highlighting how the manager "was considered a visionary,
but also a tough negotiator for the unions and in the world of Formula 1. "

Les Echos: the emblematic boss of Fiat
" Sergio Marchionne, the emblematic boss of the FCA, is dead. "C & # 39 is the title published on the homepage of Les Echos the largest economic newspaper in France, following the death of the former CEO of the FCA. "In 14 years, this
Abruzzese A Fiat Revolution. "A few minutes from the announcement, the news of Marchionne's death was also taken
other major Parisian newspapers such as Le Monde and Le Figaro. Just Le Monde had already devoted a great portrait to the manager,
tell the weight in the evolution of the company.

El Pais: farewell to the man who saved the Fiat
The Spanish newspaper El Pais reserves a long portrait to Marchionne. The manager is presented as "the man who repaired the seized engine (locked,
ed) of the Agnelli Empire ", badyzing the explosion of income and the capitalization of the (ex) Fiat, dragged from the
bankruptcy in 2004 to a market capitalization of more than 60 billion euros in 2018. When, writes the Madrid newspaper, "the man
who saved Fiat died in a hospital in Madrid. "

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