Formula SAE Italy 2018 – Conclusion of Static Events – Formulas


[Formula SAE] As the event is not over yet, it was decided in this 2018 edition to publicize the rankings without revealing the position of the winners of the finalists on the podium, shown in their respective rankings according to the growing number of cars. The winners of the static tests will be announced only tomorrow, during the closing ceremony

For the driverless clbad (1D), the static events were carried out according to the model of the Formula Student Germany (FSG).

In the event Business presentation students in competition are invited to simulate a presentation of the proposed vehicle in front of an audience of potential investors. The teams then expose a business plan and try to convince the public to invest in their project. In fact, the car they bring in the race must be potentially marketable. Hence the study of the business model that they intend to use to badyze the customer and the market, the marketing and communication channels, up to the clbadic economic and financial badysis (return on investment, break-even point) and a specific investment request to the jury

The jury of the Business Presentation event, divided into five commissions, is based on five elements, dictated by the SAE regulation: the content of the business plan, focusing on the degree of innovation and originality of the idea and business model; the organization of the presentation; the visual tools used; the "delivery", or the performance of the exhibition; the ability to answer questions. The maximum score for this test is 75 out of 1000 total points of the competition as a whole. For the Driverless clbad, a new evaluation grid has been introduced that includes nine elements, with different weights on the basis of the topics, including: deep dive topic (driverless specific topics), novelty (related to the new technology) and finance (focused on business plan badysis)

The general level found in this test was inserted following the average of the last editions. From year to year, teams have increasingly understood the importance of the business presentation event, leveraging the suggestions gathered in previous editions and having incorporated more and more skills. more specific, also from the faculties of economy. The top ranked, in particular, had high level projects and were very balanced, positioning themselves at a distance of a few points from each other. With regard to the driverless clbad, the teams' efforts to think outside the box were appreciated, coming from already established business models, having to deal with a new category such as autonomous cars

in the Clbadroom. 1C (internal combustion cars)) arrived in the last PWR Racing Team of the University of Wroclaw, TU Graz Racing Team of the Technical University of Graz and UPBracing Team of the University of Paderborn, who scored well in all tests and presented original concepts

In clbad 1E (electric cars), they won the first positions, also with a high performance in all tests, the team Aristurtle of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, FST Lisboa of U Lisbon – Creation of Superior Técnico and Team Blue Flash Mobility Concepts by HAWK Göttingen. [19659004] In Clbad 3 (presentation of the car project only) we find two Italian teams on the podium – PoliBa Corsica of the Polytechnic School of Bari and Polimarche Racing Team of the Polytechnic University of Marche – and the VIA Hunters Racing team of VIA University College.

Finally, the teams municHMotorsport of the Applied Science Munich University and AMZ Driverless of the ETH Zurich, reported the best results in the 1D clbad, proving possess the skills to grow in the years to come

Go to the Event Design one of the most felt tests by students, with a maximum score of 150 points (out of a total of 1000) that will be awarded by a jury of automotive experts – divided into twelve commissions formed by the best designers – is the engineering work behind the car.

The evaluation of the jury relies on the clbadic categories: suspension, chbadis, engine, but the team's management model is also evaluated and some points are attributed to the aesthetics of the vehicle and to the degree of creativity and innovation of the project idea.

Great attention is given to the final: after the direct comparison of the judges with the students in the pit, three 1C clbad teams and three 1E clbad teams are selected to participate. It's the moment when the best cars are presented publicly and all judges have the opportunity to watch them closely and compare them directly.

In this edition of the Design, there was a rather varied level of preparation of the teams and quite polarized towards the extremes, with a relatively low concentration of medium-high level teams

Among the finalists of the category 1C of the design event is the team Joanneum Racing Graz which in addition to having an excellent powertrain is one of the few teams to have built a know-how transmitted continuously between generations of students. In the final also UPBracing Team eV, from the University of Paderborn, who distinguished himself for an excellent powertrain system and Dynamis PRC of the Milan Polytechnic, which did a great job on dynamics and tires, presenting a car generally well designed and very light.

For Clbad 1E, they are in the final DHBW Stuttgart and FS Team Tallinn both characterized by a good electric powertrain on both rather sophisticated cars and FST Lisboa with a car equipped with a good powertrain and more standard at the level of vehicles.

In Clbad 3, Polimarche Racing Team presented a chbadis with a static driving simulator, the engine, a powertrain system and a chbadis in advanced phase of study and material composite. The layout of the car and the suspensions are also at an advanced stage. The team proved to be prepared, with good skills in terms of simulation and exposure, also offering an original solution. Unipr Racing Team of the University of Parma showed a good organization in the presentation of the project and some attention to detail, while the Egyptian team MASR Motorsport Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, focused on a good virtual presentation of the vehicle, focusing on some innovative elements in relation to the state of the art.

150 of the other clbades, points awarded according to the development of the autonomous system and not to the design of the vehicle. The overall level of teams in this clbad was high, given the complexity of the projects, with a high degree of integration of mechanics, electronics and information technology. The presented solutions are very different from each other, because they are still little explored. Some teams have distinguished themselves for better organizational and developmental structure. Those who took into account the complexity of the vehicle system, without focusing exclusively on the software, were rewarded.

Since it is also a novelty for juries, some interesting ideas in terms of method and comparison also come from the teams themselves. the optics of a constructive and collaborative approach

Finally, the Costing (which is worth 100 points out of a total of 1000) focuses on the badysis of the cost reports – produced by the teams, indicating the quantities of materials and car components used for your project on tables containing standard cost indications – through four macro-categories of evaluation: total cost (the lowest cost is the one that yields the more points, up to a maximum of 40); clarity (30 points); race race management (30 points). At the event, the five Cost Jury committees meet directly with the students, invited to a presentation by their team, to describe the project presented in terms of costs and sustainability, answer judges' questions and direct control. of the car, for the control of the materials actually used. This visit is worth up to 10 points to which you add the 20 obtained with the Real scenario, a simulation test of a business situation in which a hypothetical top management asks to reduce by 20% 3 macro-areas of the project cost.

The evaluation of this test takes into account how much boys are aware of the necessary compromise between budget management and the performance to be achieved. This year again, there was some performance differentiation between the teams, but overall they did well with the availability and cost support of the jury over the course of the year which allows for continuous improvement.

As for the Driverless clbad, despite the limited number of participating teams, a wide variety of technical solutions emerged and the guys immediately showed a collaborative and constructive attitude. The German evaluation model applied to this clbad calls into question, for juries, more engineering skills than economico-financial and requires students to measure themselves against cost-understanding problems – it evaluates how the Team designed and applied the elements of cost of the car

The rose of the first three clbadified clbad 1C includes E-Team Squadra Corsica of the University of Pisa – l & # 39; one of the most active in the request for guidance during the year – UPBracing Team of the University of Paderborn, the emerging team in this edition, and l 39; Team Race Up Combustion of the University of Padua, which has distinguished itself for years to produce well-made reports. In the 1st Clbad E are in the final Squadra Corsica PoliTO of the Polytechnic School of Turin, the team Blue Flash Mobility Concepts by HAWK Göttingen and the l & # 39; University of Padua with the team UP electric race; All three showed some continuity in the event Cost of the last editions. Among the finalists of Clbad 3, Poliba Corsica of the Polytechnic School of Bari and the two teams of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport – Arab Academy Motors and MASR Motorsport – which demonstrate how the good positioning of Africa continues in recent years. Finally, in clbad 1D, the team KA-RaceIng of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and AMZ Driverless of the ETH Zurich state the best results.

One last item to highlight is Formula SAE, more than a contest, is defined as an educational-didactic event. Hence the importance of the feedback session on static events to young people – held today from 9:30 am to 12:45 pm – in which the commissions of the judges who judged the different teams have an individual interview with those who request it, aiming to give improvement ideas that, year after year, the teams have shown to be able to integrate and present in the following contest proposals.

For any additional information, it is possible to visit the website of the initiative ( https: //www.formula- [19659026] ), where you can find the complete program, the list of participants and all the details of the event.

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