Forza Italia is dying: the agony photographed by the polls


24 years have pbaded since this year. A very long cycle that is about to end. Forza Italia is a feast that is dying. His agony is photographed by the polls

The latest poll of Demopolis records a shot of the first party grillini with 31% of voting intentions. The Lega of Matteo Salvini remains very close given to 29%. The links together reach 60% of the potential votes.

The survey certifies above all the end of FI at 7.9%, at least according to the latest revelation by Swg. From March 4 to today, Silvio Berlusconi's party has halved his consents. In polls he had 14%. However, Demopolis credits the blues with 9.5%. The Democratic Party is instead at 17.8%

The Brothers of Italy are given at 4.1% by Swg and at 3.5 according to Demopolis. Liberi e Uguali remained stable at 2.6% while Power to the People for Swg reached 2%. A 1.9% is placed + Europe by Emma Bonino

Attention however to definitely give the blue party to death politically. Silvio Berlusconi launched the other Italy. The new container, with its application, has a lot of leeway. If in fact today the links are 60%, the other Italy is 40% with a big space. The Republican front Berlusconi and Renziano could mark the beginning of the turnaround. Only time can really say how it will end.

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