Found in the evening the boys and their trainer, Thailand breathes a sigh of relief


Il Faro online – Patiti, tired, but alive. All together in the group, curled up in a handkerchief of mud leaning against the wall of the cave . In this way, they found the divers of the Thai military navy .

Images from the find of have already been made around the web 12 footballers with their young coach. After 10 days, here they are, frightened, but survivors . In the cave of Tham Luang the football team that was lost last time on June 23 was found

The Operations of safety. After identifying the small beach on which the missing had been refugees to escape the internal water of the mountain, the divers were immediately put to work to enter the cavity . With the help of ropes, they went to the place of discovery.

The rescue operations of each are in progress. In a few hours, the boys and their coach will re-kiss their families.

In the video broadcast by the Navy of Thailand, images of the find. Posted by

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