Four Western cyclists were killed in Tajikistan, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack


Four Western cyclists were killed Sunday 250 kilometers south of Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, during a terrorist attack claimed Monday by the Islamic State (or ISIS). Tajik officials said the four cyclists – two Americans, one Swiss and one Dutch – were attacked with knives and guns after being hit by a car. Part of the attack is also a video, filmed by people who were nearby and published by Radio Free Europe (the video is not very clear and its origin n & # 39; 39 is not clear either, but it seems to match the dynamics of the attack: we can see here). According to Tajik officials, two suspects were killed and four others arrested

The first Sunday is the first attack claimed by the Islamic State in Tajikistan: the Islamic State has not provided any other proof of its link with the bombers. .

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