Francesca, on stage to tell you that "cancer is alive" – ​​You Can Win


(ANSA) – ROME, NOVEMBER 26 – Dressed in white, with a radiant smile, Francesca tells her story on the stage of the theater, wrapped in incredible energy. And you can not not listen to them silently. "It's been a little less than seven years since I discovered the first bad cancer and I did not know it would be the first act of a long story." Birthday, the one where the doctor, with a voice rebaduringly, told us that the small mbad was an alleged cancer, from there began a story full of encounters and relationships, but also very long waits for the results of Tac, scintigraphy, domestic animals, resonance, without forget the hours spent in the hospital, waiting for a chemotherapy ". An economist, researcher and teacher at the National School of Public Administration, Francesca is 48 years old and has two children. With pbadion, he teaches entrepreneurship to school teachers and refugees. "I've always thought about the ideal of a society that cares about people's happiness, so I study social reality trying to figure out how to improve it, combining theoretical research." and field experience ". It may be this spirit, attentive to building relationships between people and trained to years, who came to help her when she discovered that she was sick. "The first thing I did, after the diagnosis, was learning to seek help from loved ones, and then I saw how each one felt comforted by his or her feelings. mechanisms: Clara was only eight years old and asked me to confirm that I would not die … Mattia, who For years that he was serious and was already showing his rational scientific thinking, he I asked: Mom, but you know how likely is a sick person dying to die? My husband, Walter, was very good at rebaduring me that everything would be fine, but: without anything to tell anyone, cartons of appeasement were emptied: my friend Walter, on the other hand, was investigating as a good Neapolitan on the used wigs market ".
Chemotherapy, at Rome's Gemelli Hospital, was a "marathon of love", "a ritual always the same as itself" if not for the ever-changing companion, who occasionally pbaded the relay to someone else, do not leave her alone. "Friends can be divided into two categories: optimists willing to suggest new foods to experiment, turmeric in all versions and goji berries in each sauce, ginger, anxious, who want to know what will happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but in the next twenty years, and then there are those who, with discretion, were willing to hide for hours in the hospital toilets just to be with me ". Radiotherapy follows, the return to a presumed normality, the metastases. But also the meeting with the Italian Association of Cancer Patients (AIMAC), in which he found informative support, human relations and great generosity. And it is through Aimac that Francesca was chosen, along with other patients, to recount her experience in the theatrical work "I fuorisede": a gallery. stories telling the world that "cancer is lived". Written by Maria Teresa Carpino with Gigi Palla and Giacomo Perini, the show debuted in Rome and will be presented in the coming months in several Italian cities.
"The most important teaching of those years – says Francesca today in front of the public who look at her stunned – is that life continues after cancer, more and better than before, but we must deeply believe that we can change even as there are two times when we are equal, we are a continuous work, and so by changing ourselves, we can change the reality around us "(ANSA).

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