Francesco surprisingly in a neighborhood of Rome to greet an elderly woman unable to leave the house


A new surprise of Pope Francis: this afternoon, around 18:30, he goes to Via Alessandria, in Rome, to visit an old lady who knows but can not move. The Pope knows the area well: a few hundred meters away, in Piazza Buenos Aires, there is in fact the Argentine church of Santa Maria Addolorata where he went by bus to meet his brothers.

The news of the impromptu pope is reported by Saying and revived by the agency Sir. The pontiff arrived aboard a blue Ford in front of the palace where, before entering, he greeted the people present, totally incredulous to see the pope suddenly arrive under their homes.

Bergoglio shook hands with everyone, caressed a child in a wheelchair and asked him what he called, he hugged a sick man. To an emotional woman who told him: "A great pleasure, Holy Father," the Pope replied: "For me too". Another gentleman gave him a crucifix that was blessed on the spot. The last hug is for those who, felt at the last moment, came down from a building in front of them despite being bad, just to receive a greeting from the Pope.

Francesco then went to greet his friend to go out after an hour. Returning to the car and continuing to greet everyone from the car, he finally headed for the Vatican.

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