Free Sundays in museums, Schmidt: "Just change, for the Uffizi, I think of alternative promotions"


Free Sundays in museums? For Uffizi Director Eike Schmidt, "Minister Alberto Bonisoli is right: they should be rethought."

The gratuity for every first Sunday of the month should be canceled?
"I think this initiative has been progressively lost Over the first two years, it has actually been used to bring people, especially citizens, into museums that have not visited them for years, but over time, we realized that the same tourists were still paying the bill.

What will you do if, as announced by the minister, it will be up to the individual directors to decide?
"I would like to replace the #domenicalmuseo with initiatives different and more modulated who can recover the initial spirit, encouraging the participation of citizens. "19659002] Do you have any idea in mind?
" I think of the free admission days to the day. important anniversaries for the history of the city and the Uffizi such as Anna Maria Luisa de Medici, Elettrica Palatina, to whom we owe, thanks to the Family Pact, the interview in Florence of the heritage of the Medici. Or Vittoria Della Rovere, who with her heritage has doubled the museum's collections. But there are many other personalities in the history of the city that we could celebrate in this way. "

For these days, do you think of free entry for all or only for the Florentines? Apply differentiated rates according to the origin of visitors.But I think these occasions, if they are well publicized and accompanied by thematic events such as concerts or conferences, can be attractive, especially for the local public.Especially if out of season.The entry is not necessarily free: we realized that a discounted ticket, for example 1 euro, worked even better. "

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