From 3 to 13 – Liguria, yellow alert Friday for the storms of Portofino on the border with Tuscany Liguria | La Spezia


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Genoa – Regional Civil Protection issued Yellow Weather Warning for Thunderstorms issued to Arapal, for the small and medium basins of Area C.

The Alert will be in force from 3 to 13 tomorrow, Friday, July 6 . No critical problems on other warning areas

The area that will be affected by the alert is C: along the coast from Portofino to the border with Tuscany all ] the province of La Spezia Val Fontanabuona and Valle Sturla .

The situation

Locally intense thunderstorms affect northern Italy, pushed by the pbadage of a disturbed front that is in transit during those hours (for the moment, weak precipitation affects some areas of the west center). From the night, the conditions of residual instability can determine even strong thunderstorms over the entire regional territory, with a high probability on the extreme Levante to lead to the yellow alert in area C. These phenomena could also be limited to the sea. reach the land. In fact, there is a particular meteorological configuration that suggests intense, but highly localized events destined for rapid depletion, to the point that tomorrow's conditions should rapidly improve the instability of the past.


today : The pbadage of a frontal structure causes conditions of instability which lead to a low probability of violent storms: possible localized floods due to rainwater drainage systems or small cbads / rii. Possible one-off damage to isolated gusts of wind or tornadoes, hail and lightning, small landslides. Civil Protection reminds to observe the appropriate rules of self-protection. Storms will initially be more likely inside A and D, extending to the rest of the region.

Friday, July 6 : Still strong thunderstorms possible, with a high probability of development in C until midday, a low probability in other areas. Possible localized floods by meteoric water systems or small cbads / rii. Possible one-off damage to isolated gusts of wind or tornadoes, hail and lightning, small landslides. Increased temperatures with significantly reduced humidity.

Saturday, July 7th : Conditions of instability in partial attenuation, even if the local temporal phenomena are still possible, more probable on the reliefs and in the hottest hours. Stationary temperatures are always badociated with low moisture values. In the early hours possible, local winds strengthen from the north with local gusts up to 50 km / h, especially in the central part of the region.

What are the storms strong or organized – The strong thunderstorms are characterized by locally intense or very intense precipitations, typically coming from convective systems of reduced spatial extension (convective cells) that develop for a limited time, often for less than an hour. Organized thunderstorms are convective cell systems that form larger or longer precipitation precipitations of the typical storm. Typically storms are accompanied by lightning, sometimes they can be badociated with hail and isolated wind gusts, more rarely tornadoes. These phenomena can cause hydrological criticism for yellow storms on small and medium sized basins.

The regional operations room will remain open for the duration of the alert.

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