"From him the policies of death"


It is in Spain, as a flag state Open Arms to find "a safe harbor" in which to land the 59 illegal immigrants who were on board. In an attempt to find a safe harbor to dock, after the niet arrived from the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini Captain Riccardo Gati immediately looked to Barcelona where he knew that 39 he could find the support of the mayor Ada Colau exhibitor of Podemos elected with a civic list and ardent supporter of the reception. And it was so. "We do not want to be accomplices in the policies of Salvini's death" the first citizen openly insulted the Italian minister .

After the "no" of Malta and Italy, the NGO Spanish Proactiva, operating in the waters of the Central Mediterranean with the Astral and Open Arms, turned to the [39] Spain to dock in a safe harbor and land the 59 immigrants rescued before (deliberately) the intervention of the Libyan Patrol boats who had already moved to take action. In fact, Captain Gatti does not consider Libya a safe country. "It is Spain that should seek a port of landing and get in touch with the Maltese, Italian and other authorities to identify one" he said yesterday after- noon after a very heavy exchange of duties with the Conte government to be responsible for the wrecked migrants in the Mediterranean. Of the 59 immigrants that Open Amrs had on board, there are eight Palestinians, eight from South Sudan, three Malians, five Syrians, one from Burkina Faso, one from Costa Rica. 39 Ivory, four Eritreans, eight Egyptians, three from the Central African Republic, two from Cameroon, two Ethiopians, six Libyans, eight Bengalis and one from Guinea.

Barcelona is prepared for recibir al @openarms_fund there is todas las personas rescatadas. Pedimos a @sanchezcastejon q allows us ayudar a salvar vidas, no questions policy serpices of the death of @matteosalvinimi https://t.co/WUEcesDfs0

– Ada Colau (@AdaColau) June 30, 2018

The situation was unveiled only in the evening, when the ship of the Catalan NGO received authorization from the Spanish government tonight disembark in Barcelona. It was almost night when the boat was heading towards Spain . It should arrive in Barcelona on Wednesday morning. "Barcelona has long been proposed as a refuge to welcome these people and we reiterate it" according to municipal sources. The same Colau tweeted against Italy: "We do not want to be complicit in the policies of Salvini's death" . A frontal attack that does not take into account the continuous rejections that Spain applies to the border with Morocco.

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