From sanatoriums to baby bonuses, the news of the tax dl


From sanatoriums to baby bonuses, the news of the tax dl

Posted on: 27/11/2018 11:06

Go for the tax decree related to the maneuver. The Senate Finance Committee approved the disposition that arrives in the hearing room. Among the main changes during the works: the amnesty for local taxes, the remodeling of scrap, the Prolongation of the baby bonus of one year, the establishment of incentives to promote the creation of TLC's unique network for ultra broadband, VAT pre-filled from 2020, the $ 525 million allocated to areas affected by bad weather in 2018, the exempted mobility for the workers of Termini Imerese and Gela. Instead, the headstone amnesty disappears, which would have made it possible to regularize the undeclared amounts by paying 20% ​​of the taxes due. the first reading, will have to go to the House where it will meet the budget bill.

CONDITIONS OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES – The tax amnesty also applies to property taxes of local authorities, such as Ici, Imu and Tasi, and the tax on cars.

BABY BONUS & # 39; – The baby bonus arrives, for one year, equal to 960 euros that go up to 1 152 euros from the second child. The allowance of 80 euros per month is recorded for each child born or adopted from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019. "From the second child", the amount has increased by 20% ", which represents a sum of Money from € 1,152.The cost of the operation is estimated at 440 million euros.

ROTTAMAZIONE TER – The person who subscribes to the scrappage will be able to pay his debt to the tax authorities by dividing the amount due in 18 installments over 5 years. The amounts may be paid in four annual networks, the first to be paid before July 31, 2019, the second no later than November 30 (equal to 10% of the amount due), the third no later than February 29 and the fourth to later on May 31st.

PRECOMPILATA VAT – The precompiled declaration for VAT numbers starts from the 2020 operations.

LITI STANDING – Increase the discounts for those who are in conflict with the tax authorities and want to close the game. The discount for those who won in the first instance increases from 50% to 60% of the amount due (it will be enough to pay 40%, without interest or penalties).

DECLARATIONS INCREASE IN INCOME – Taxpayers who have not completed the tax return can solve the problem by paying € 200 for each tax period from 2013 to 2017.

ULTRA BAND – "Measures to stimulate investment in very high speed networks". And "the title of the additional article to the decree that seeks integration between Tim's and Open Fiber's networks provides for the introduction of incentives, established by the government." antitrust authority for competition and the market, on the model of Rab, the remuneration of investments.

TRANSFER OF MONEY – The 1.5% withholding tax on remittances arrives, fund transfers from Italy come out of the European Union. The tax on remittances, excluding commercial transactions, to countries outside the European Union can not be less than 10 euros.

TERMS IMPERSE AND GELA – Workers in the complex industrial crisis zone of Termini Imerese and Gela will be able to benefit from an exempt mobility. In particular, the regulation concerns persons as at 31 December 2016 "benefiting from an ordinary mobility treatment or from a mobility treatment dispensed".

POPULAR BANKS – Go for a one year extension, to turn the popular banks into a spa. The deadline to complete the reform is changed from 31 December 2018 to 31 December 2019 (credit institutions with more than 8 billion badets must change their business situation). The measure concerns in particular the banks of Bari and Sondrio.

DOCTORS WITHOUT ELECTRONIC INVOICE – Electronic billing will start on January 1st of next year, but not for doctors and pharmacies. The obligation to use the new instrument, for the 2019 taxation period, is "the subjects required to send data to the health card system".

DURC – Anyone adhering to the demolition can receive a single document of regularity of the contributions.

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