FS Group's new summit, "internal choices" of Castelli e Battisti of a strong professionalism


(Teleborsa) – "Fiscal Assembly" of the FS Group, fast and lucid: new board of directors and "top management" chosen from the inside under the banner of undeniable professionalism. Minister Danilo Toninelli is extremely satisfied. The President and CEO programs speak for themselves.

GIANLUIGI VITTORIO CASTELLI, New President from September 2016 to this morning he held the position of Central Director of Innovation and Information Systems of FS and December last of Nugo's general manager, actually the innovative application of Ferrovie born to allow you to travel more easily and easily with all the means and systems that regulate mobility .

Bachelor of Physics in Cybernetics at the University of Milan, Gianluigi Vittorio Castelli began his professional career in the software development sector and at the same time started his academic career : since 1978, 18 he is at Etnoteam leaving in 1996 as Director of the Systems Division; in the same period he is a researcher at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Milan. In this period promoted and led numerous basic software research and development projects in the European Commission's Esprit IV and Esprit V research programs .

In May 1996 transfer to Infostrada, with the role of CIO. A year later, he joined Fiat Auto, as CIO, where he directs the reconstruction of the Fiat Auto IT organization and major projects in the field of logistics, production systems and internationalization. Coordinates Fiat Auto's IT organizations in Brazil, Argentina and Poland. In 2000, he became CEO and General Manager of the Fiat Group's software company (GSA).

Then, from 2001, prestigious positions at Omnitel (later Vodafone Italy) and later in Great Britain. Vodafone, responsible for the coordination of all the IT organizations of the 19 operating companies of the group worldwide, supports the consolidation of the European data centers and back-office applications of the group. From 2006 in Italy, to ENI leading, among other things, an important program of efficiency renewing all the application park, infrastructures and facilities, creating the largest private cloud in Italy and the Data Center (Eni Green Data Center) with the highest energy efficiency in the world. He is also director of Eni AdFin

In February 2015, he leaves Eni and founds, within SDA Bocconi, the DEVO Lab, dedicated to the study and research of the The impact of digital technologies on economic models. , on organizations, on the income statement and on the value of companies. In a few months, the DEVO laboratory brings together 30 companies as a founding member of the laboratory, becoming the point of reference in Italy for these studies . He is also a professor of SDA practice in information systems. Also active in various start-ups and advisors for the ICT strategy of some large national and multinational companies, lecturer at the Polytechnic School of Milan. He has received awards and honors from the European Commission and private organizations for innovation and professional activity

GIANFRANCO BATTISTI new general manager, from february 2017 to today On July 30, 2018, he was the "CEO of FS Sistemi Urbani, the Company for the Valorization of the Real Estate Group Ferrovie dello Stato SpA Battisti, 56, married , son, has a degree in Political Science and Economics and International Management

For a long time, from 2009 to 2017, he was director of the National and International Pbadenger Division and Trenitalia High Speed, helping to position the Italian high speed among the main players in the European rail transport market. During its management, it has improved both the economic growth and the industrial efficiency of the pbadenger transport sector and in particular the high-speed activity by achieving a significant and extraordinary recovery phase. where he achieved significant financial statements with positive margins and

In 1998, he joined the Ferrovie dello Stato group as Marketing and Product Performance Management at night, then he held more positions, including Marketing / Sales Director . He was part of the National Working Group of the Jubilee 2000 Management and Hospitality Committee. From May 2009 to 2011, he was a member of the Board of Directors of Artesia SpA. for rail links Italy-France and referent for the group Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane for both EXPO 2015 and Jubilee 2016.

From 1988 to 1997, he rather worked within the Fiat Auto SpA group. with responsibilities in the marketing / sales department. Since June 2016, he has been national president of Federturismo, the Confindustria federation that brings together companies from the sector at national and international level with institutional functions governance and representation. In his business-related activities he is also a member of the Presidential Council of Confindustria Nazionale

From June 2011 to May 2017 Battisti was President of the Transport Section of Unindustria Lazio. He collaborates as a business testimonial with the Universities Bocconi of Milan and Luiss of Rome for the Master in Tourism Economics. He is a member of the Strategic Council of the European University of Rome . She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Onlus Incontradonna National Association for the Prevention of Breast Cancer and the Board of Directors of the Aspro Asbl Association for the Support of Patients in Oncological Radiotherapy. c / o Hospital San Camillo-Forlanini of Rome.

He received numerous awards, both national and international, including in London in 2009 WTM World Award issued by London Mayor Boris Johnson for Broadband Business Development Strategies in Italy.

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