Fs | renewed virtues First communication


Renewed the board of directors of Fs. For the post of general director, the name of Gianfranco Battisti was indicated, while for the presidency Gianluigi Vittorio Castelli. "Faced with those who accuse us of wanting to occupy the seats, we have placed two excellent leaders within the company on the first two steps," wrote the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Danilo Toninelli, on Facebook

Gianfranco Battisti (Photo ANSA / ALESSANDRO DI MARCO)

In addition to Battisti and Castelli, Flavio Nogara, Andrea Mentasti, Cristina Pronello, Francesca Moraci and Wanda Ternau also sit on the board for the three-year period 2018 -2020. On these last two names Toninelli pointed out: "The two FS advisers were confirmed that they had resigned in non-suspect times, showing disagreement with the previous commission's decision not to apply the ethical clause to the rotten ad ". 19659004]

The situation that finds the new top management, after three years of management by outgoing directors, Gioia Ghezzi and Renato Mazzoncini, records a high level of financial strength, for which FS is the most valuable railway group of 39; Europe. "The turnover has grown by 700 million euros in two years, the EBITDA has risen from 1.97 to 2.31 billion euros, the average investments have increased by 37% compared to the previous two-year period, the number of employees has increased 74,436 people with an average productivity up 4%, "says a press release issued by the group, which also chronicles the launch of the Mercitalia Polo, introduced in February 2017 with which the revival of the goods sector with 50 million tons transported in 2017, which includes an investment program that increased by 352% to 1.5 billion


Gianluigi Vittorio CASTELLI
Central Director of Innovation and Information Systems and General Manager Nugo
from September 2016, he is director centr al innovation and information systems of the Italian Railways and December 2017 General Manager of Nugo SpA
Graduate in Cybernetic Physics at the University of Milan, he began his professional career in the software development sector and at the same time began his academic career: from 1978, for 18 he was at Etnoteam who left in 1996 as Director of the Systems Division; in the same period, he is a researcher at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Milan with Professor Gianni Degli Antoni
In this period, he promotes and directs many research and development projects of computer software. in May 1996 he joined Infostrada as a CIO
In June 1997 he joined Fiat Auto He leads the reconstruction of the IT organization of Fiat Auto and major projects in the field of logistics, production systems and internationalization. Coordinates Fiat Auto's IT organizations in Brazil, Argentina and Poland
In 2000 he became CEO and General Manager of the Fiat Group's software services company (GSA).
In February 2001, he joined Omnitel (later Vodafone Italy) as CIO; a year later, he became technical director in charge of the 3G network deployment program. In 2003, he joined the UK and became Vodafone's global IT director. He is responsible for the coordination of all the IT organizations of the 19 operating companies of the group in the world and the consolidation of the European data centers and back-office applications of the group. In August 2006, he returned to Italy and took the lead, as ICT Vice President of Eni IT, where he consolidates and streamlines all IT organizations in the division and Eni Group companies into a structure. unique. efficiency program and renews the entire park of applications, infrastructure and facilities, creating the largest private cloud in Italy and the most energy-efficient data center (Eni Green Data Center) in the world. He is also administrator of Eni AdFin.
In February 2015, he leaves Eni and founds, within SDA Bocconi, the DEVO Lab, dedicated to the study and research of the impact of digital technologies on digital models. businesses, organizations, the income statement and the value of companies. In a few months, the DEVO laboratory brings together 30 companies as a founding member of the laboratory, thus becoming the point of reference in Italy for these studies. He is also professor of practice in information systems within the SDA
. During this period, he was also president of Nozomi Networks SA, member of the board of directors of Cynny SpA and member of the P & R Foundation. He worked as advisor for the ICT strategy of some big national and multinational companies
Over time, he was a contract professor at the Polytechnic of Milan, badistant professor of the MIP of the Polytechnic Institute of Milan, president of the IOC Italiani CIO AICA Forum, Task Force Leader of the Council of European Economic Cooperation (CCEE), ELIS Fellow, publisher of the IEEE Micro and member of several international standardization committees
He is the author of numerous scientific and informative articles and two texts
He has received awards and honors from the European Commission and private organizations for innovation and professional activity

Gianfranco BATTISTI
General Manager of FS Sistemi Urbani
56 years old, married, son
Graduate in Political Science and Economics and International Management
From February 2017 he is Managing Director of FS Sistemi Urbani the So for the valuation of the real estate portfolio of Ferrovie dello Stato SpA group
From 2009 to 2017, he was director of Trenitalia's national and international high-speed rail division, helping to position Italian high-speed train among the main players in the European rail transport market . During its management, it has improved both the economic growth and the industrial efficiency of pbadenger transport activities and in particular high-speed activities by achieving an important and extraordinary phase of business recovery. where he obtained significant positive and consolidated financial statements. the years of his management
In 1998, he joined the Ferrovie dello Stato group as a marketing and performance management of the night product, and then held more senior positions, including that of marketing / sales director
of the National Working Group of the Management and Hospitality Committee for the Jubilee 2000
From May 2009 to 2011, he was a member of the Board of the Società Artesia SpA for the Italy-France rail links [19459014HewasthecontactpersonfortheFerroviedelloStatoItalianeGroupforbothEXPO2015andJubilee2016
From 1988 to 1997, he worked in the Fiat Auto SpA group. with Responsibilities in the marketing / sales department
Since June 2016, the national president of Federturismo is the Confindustria Federation which brings together companies of the sector at the national and international level with institutional, governance and representation functions.
In his business-related activities is also a member of the Presidential Council of the Confindustria Nazionale
C was from June 2011 to May 2017 President of the Transport Section of Unindustria Lazio
Collaborates as a business testimony with the Bocconi University of Milan and Luiss of Rome for the Master in Tourism Economics
He is a member of the Strategic Council of the European University of Rome
It worked as a business testimony with the University of Perugia / Assisi in the Graduate Diploma in Tourism Economics, Group Economics and Concentrations and Cooperation neither Aziendali, La Sapienza University of Rome Faculty of Tourism Economics, with Luiss University of Rome for the Master in Ecomobility Management
He is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Association Onlus Incontradon na for the prevention of bad cancer
She is a member of the board of directors of the nonprofit Aspro Association for the support of oncological radiotherapy patients at San Camillo-Forlanini Hospital of Rome
In 2011, she was a member of the Honorary Committee of the World Paralympic Games in Rome
He is a member of the national council of the badociation "Aspesi", which brings together companies promoting and developing real estate investments in real estate development, development and transformation projects.
He has received numerous international awards, including in London in 2009 WTM World Prize awarded by London Mayor Boris Johnson for high-speed business development in Italy
In 2006, he received the honor of Commendatore Ordine al Merito of the Italian Republic

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