Fury Trump against Merkel and NATO allies. "Patience is about to end"


Donald Trump attacked NATO allies, accusing them of not spending enough on defense and taking advantage of the United States on this ground, as well as on trade policies. "The patience of the United States is about to end," threatens the US president, with a very hard crack of a week since the Atlantic summit of the Atlantic Alliance. Not only that, given that the much anticipated Helsinki summit will take place next week between the US President and the "tsar" of the Kremlin Vladimir Putin. With the latter more than ever interested – according to many observers – to divide Western countries.

Trump's tirade of ears – reports the New York Times – is contained in a series of letters sent last month to leaders of some countries, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel. In this latest letter the US President is very strict with Germany, accusing him of "undermining the security of the Atlantic Alliance" and portraying a "bad example", pushing others forward. allied to not meeting their commitments on military spending. A raw tongue and glabrous language that can only make disappear even more Washington and Berlin.

"It is increasingly difficult – the chancellor writes the tycoon – to justify to the Americans why some countries do not share the weight of NATO security while American soldiers continue to sacrifice their lives to the United States. the alien or to come back seriously injured. "A pbadage – underlines the Nyt – which could foreshadow a repositioning of the US military presence in the world if the Allies do not spend more on their security

Among the letters sent by the White House also to Canadian President Justin Trudeau and the Prime Ministers of Belgium and Norway The underlying theme is what Trump has been pursuing since the election campaign began in 2015: many NATO allies do not respect what was established at the Wales Summit in 2014, namely to devote 2% of GDP to national defense.The result is that the weight of security – denounced at p the US President several times – ends up falling almost entirely on the shoulders of the United States

The NATO summit in Brussels may therefore exacerbate the unprecedented confrontation with the historic allies of the United States . It was used during the recent Canadian G7, when Trump ordered to withdraw the US signature from the final release following the tariff hustle. A fracture that seems to be getting deeper and which, at this stage, could favor Vladimir Putin, who points to divisions on the Western Front in order to put an end to the sanctions against Moscow

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