G20, Tria: "Positive growth in Italy, but it can slow down"


Buenos Aires

The Minister of Economy sees US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. "Robust growth, but trade is threatened," reads in the final communiqué of the G20


The global slowdown can also mean for Italy a "slowdown in growth that will remain positive "However, with a slowdown compared to forecasts. On the other hand, estimates have already been published by the EU, indicating a slowdown in European countries. Italy follows the profile of the international situation. "The Minister of Economy, Giovanni Tria, on the sidelines of the G20's work in Argentina

" The G20 explains the intentions of the government, positive reception "[19659006] The G20 "was an opportunity to explain the intentions of the Italian government, and the reception has always been very positive," Tria continues, explaining the "will to implement the government's agenda, by of course maintaining the necessary budgetary limits to maintain market confidence and avoid instability ".

"If growth slows down, no procyclical maneuvers"
"If growth slows down," said the minister, "it is clear that economic maneuvers are more complicated. 39 is that the budget maneuver will take into account the need to start the gradual implementation of the government program, but it was also stated that in the absence of a slowdown, no procyclical maneuver will be conducted (budgetary policies). the economy is expanding, they are applying the fiscal stimulus, thus increasing the boom.When the economy is in a contraction phase, a regime of austerity is applied, exacerbating the recession, ed.)

Mnuchin sees Tria: important American-Italian relations
"Good first meeting with the Italian Minister of Economy, Giovanni Tria.We talked about Brexit, trade and reaffirmed the importance of bilateral relations between the United States and Italy, "tweeted US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin

Despite tensions between the United States and the US Europe, the G20 finds an agreement on the final communiqué
Despite tensions between the United States and Europe, the G20 agreed on the final communiqué. "Global economic growth remains robust and unemployment has been at a minimum for a decade, but recent growth of less synchronized and downside risks in the short and medium term have increased, including financial weaknesses, trade and geopolitical tensions" in the document, where trade is seen as an engine of growth and employment. A statement that does not dilute existing tensions anyway. The & # 39; Brics & # 39 ;, with a note from China, strongly oppose protectionism. The EU does not hide its irritation with Donald Trump's duties and his accusations of manipulation of exchange rates. "The tension between the two shores of the Atlantic remains high and may continue to increase," warns the European Commissioner for Economic Affairs, Pierre Moscovici, however describing an "unattended" summit. German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz warns that US tariffs may have an unexpected but positive consequence: accelerate European integration

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