GALLERY. Summer Fancy Food, companies from Parma to New York


From June 30, several companies based in Parma in the American city

The Summer Fancy Food Show opened its doors in New York on Saturday, June 30th. The President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati (photographed with the President of the Consortium Parmigiano Reggiano Nicola Bertinelli) inaugurated the fair which brings together the best of the production of the Food Valley.

In the photos there is the Consortium Parmigiano Reggiano, Consortium of Parma ham, all the companies of the collective Parma Alimentare (with the general manager Alessandra Foppiano), Fiere di Parma (with the marketing director Pierluigi Spagoni), Terr Ducali , (with CEO Giulio Gherri), ALMA (with chef Antonio Villani).

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