Gasoline via the regional tax in Italy


The European Commission wants Italy to eliminate the regional tax on gasoline because it would be contrary to EU legislation. The request was made in writing in a letter of formal notice addressed to the Italian authorities, the first stage of the infringement procedure which, in its last phase, could lead the country to the Court of Justice of the # 39; EU. The Irba (Regional Gasoline Tax for Motor Vehicles) has been in effect since January 1, 2012 and corresponds to a tax of about 2 cents per liter of fuel provided. It is a tax that "does not pursue specific objectives, but only targets budgetary targets, which is contrary to EU law," the Commission wrote in a note. Italy now has two months to respond to the call from Brussels, which could also decide to continue the infringement procedure by sending a reasoned opinion to Rome.

We all know the Canary Islands and Tenerife because of the always warm climate, the white sand beaches and the breathtaking sea. There are some islands where the water is crystal clear, almost caribbean and others where a lot of sports go because here it is possible to practice surfing and other similar activities. But not everyone knows that the Canaries are also an archipelago in which to open an activity and live can be very beneficial. In fact, more and more retirees from Italy, according to the Area (Register of Italians residing abroad), they decide to move here because with 1000 euros it is possible to make a living in Italy. being rich. Do you think that gasoline costs only 1.08 euros, that cigarettes (for those who have the habit) cost 2.30 euros and that you can eat a complete meal by spending very little.

The Canary Islands have the incita- "Europa, constitutes a" special economic zone "(ZEC = Zona Especial Canaria): in 2000, the European Union declared that the archipelago of the Canary Islands was a low-tax area, already recognized by Title V of Law 19/1994, and amended by Royal Decree Law 12/2006, with the aim of promoting the economic and social development of the islands by new investors and diversify the productive structure.

Compared to other Spanish regions the Canary Islands archipelago has always had a favorable tax because it is recognized as an autonomous community, but since the introduction of the ZEC in 2000, many Tax incentives have been put in place. The Canary Islands tax system allows companies to benefit from a tax rate of 4% against 25% of Spanish territory. For those wishing to open an activity in the Canary Islands, recognized financing funds can contribute up to 60% of the investment. The ZEC also allows tax benefits for companies not residing in Spain

While the VAT, which is called IGIC in the Canaries, is a tax that weighs 5% on the taxable amount. The purpose of this particular tax system is to seek the will of the islands, in agreement with the European Commission, to create new jobs, to diversify the economic structure of the Canary Islands and to offer as a point of support facilitated activities. installed in Africa. The regulations regarding the new economic tax regime and the ZEC were also extended until 2026. We do not confuse the Canary Islands with a tax haven, but from heaven on earth it does not go that far.

How many times have you wondered why? Is gas more and more expensive, knowing that the price of oil is falling? The answer is without neglecting the factor of consumer propensity in relation to the question of whether the price of gasoline is not limited to the fuel efficiency of the pump operator included, in addition to the VAT and excise.

in the form of consumption tax, they are calculated in relation to the quantity and not to the value, as is the case for VAT. They mainly concern fuels, gas, electricity, alcohol and tobacco and are mainly specific use taxes, that is to say introduced to achieve a certain objective.

What we do not know very well is that who have been resisting for over 70 years and that our beloved country continues to charge us.

The total price is composed of various items, such as the cost of the refined product, the primary transportation, the cost of storage, the various office and point-of-sale fees, up to the margin for the manager. There would seem to be a lot of them, but all of those items that are looking at expenses and revenues for different things are only 30% of the cost of fuel.

The truth of this excessive increase comes from the famous excise taxes which account for 52% of the total cost. Maybe everyone will not know that the average annual price of gasoline in 2012 was € 1,787, registering the highest current value ever recorded. The record at a reduced price remains that of 1977 when a liter of green paid € 1.9, while diesel "wins everything" with its average price of € 1.705 per liter. The price increases that have forced many motorists to leave the car at the garage more and more often and to use tools to save a few cents on the pump.

An increase in fuel prices due mainly to the increasing tax burden, which for the first time in history, it exceeded the threshold of 1 euro per liter. While the average industrial price of green rose by 9%, in 2012 it was 0.759 € / l, excise duties and VAT increased by 20%
Think that the first tax d & # 39; 39 Excise was introduced by Mussolini in 1935, equal to 1.90 lire per liter of gasoline to finance the war of conquest of Abyssinia. Then, over the years, each government decided to impose "balzelli" for every emergency:
Suez crisis (1956), Vajont disaster (1963), wars in Lebanon and Bosnia. It is thanks to these excise duties that part of the income is backed up
We should pay a liter of green 0.76 euros per liter, but this is not because of the tax burden (the excise tax on oil) which keeps increasing. Here is the list of excise duties that we pay daily to the distributor:
– 0.000981 euro: financing of the Ethiopian war of 1935-1936
– 0.00723 euro: financing of the crisis of Suez from 1956;
– 0,00516 euro: reconstruction after the Vajont disaster of 1963
– 0,00516 euro: post-flood reconstruction of Florence in 1966
– 0,00516 euro: post-earthquake reconstruction of the Belice of 1968
– 0,0511 euros: reconstruction post-earthquake of Frioul in 1976
– 0,0387 euros: post-earthquake reconstruction of Irpinia in 1980
– 0,106 euros: financing of the Lebanon war 1983
– 0,0114 euros: financing of the mission to Bo snia of 1996
– 0.02 euros: renewal of the contract of the autoferroterrvieri of 2004
– 0,005 euros: purchase of bus ecological in 2005
– 0.0051 euros: Aquila earthquake of 2009
– from 0.0071 to 0.0055 euro: funding to culture (but many spoke of "fourth category cinema .. .") in 2011;
– 0.04 euro: arrival of immigrants after the Libyan crisis of 2011;
– 0.0089 euro: flood in Liguria and Tuscany in November 2011,
– 0.082 euro (0.113 on diesel): decree "Salva Italia" in December 2011;
– 0.02 euro: earthquakes in Emilia 2012,
In simple terms, they are 0,5 euros (VAT included) excise taxes, yes, because even the VAT of 22% is paid . In addition, since 1999, regions have been able to impose other excise duties on gasoline. From now on, you will see different ways to fill the tank.
So our cars are jewels, just think that between maintenance, insurance, parking, toll and fuel, a medium-sized car "consumes" each year more than 4,500 euros. In practice, for the four private wheels, there remains about 13% of the total income of Italian families: only have a ceiling and spend more money than we spend. If you add about 750 € per year of indirect social costs, ie those resulting from road accidents or pollution, the weight of the car on the budget becomes paradoxical: for three euros spent to feed ourselves, we spend two more. because.

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