Gay Pride, in Pompeii, the procession passes in front of the basilica: extreme right and citizens pray to protest


At the Gay Pride of Pompeii thousands of people march in the streets of the city of the Sanctuary of the Virgin of the Rosary. And it is precisely while the procession marches in front of the Basilica that a group of militants of Forza Nuova recites the rosary, along with other citizens, in sign of protest. "We are witnessing a parade of I do not know what and we must defend our culture – says Salvatore Pacella of Forza Nuova – 20 years ago such a thing would have been unthinkable". No provocation, however, for the organizers of pride. "Pompeii is a city known throughout the world – says Antonello Sannino President of Arcigay Naples – and today, it is Italy that defends the rights of all and all. At the head of the procession also the first citizen of Naples, Luigi De Magistris . "The fight for civil liberties must always be waged, regardless of the governments – says the former prosecutor – it's a dark moment with the right-wing government of the Republic since the time of fascism but we want to fight against discrimination of every kind ". To Pride of Pompeii also Senator Monica Cirinnà and Under-Secretary for Equal Opportunities, Vincenzo Spadafora . "Families exist, if the Minister Fontana makes a reason, the law establishes – says the" mother "of the law on civil unions – a law still incomplete but we will take care of children rainbow who still do not have rights ". Last week, Cirinna pointed to the Five Star Movement, according to the senator, for forcing the majority of this moment to suppress art. on the co-parental adoption of the partner's son. The pentastellati, represented in Pride da Spadafora, on rights, respond to the controversy with the minister Fontana and declare: "Italy will not come back on its rights". When, however, it is pointed out that it was also the M5S to extract the article devoted to the adoption of rainbow children, Spadafora replies, "I do not not talk about the past, but only about my commitment as an under-secretary. for 2 weeks ".

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