Gay Rights, Spadafora to Pompeii Pride: "Italy will not come back" Fontana. "Speaking as an individual"


"I am here to show my support and that of the government I know that in 1945, part of the government does not have the same sensitivity but Italy will not come back and the acquired rights will not be lost. "Thus the Undersecretary for Equal Opportunities Vincenzo Spadafora during Pompei Pride ." In the government contract it does not exist. There are no problems concerning the world Lgbt but I will summon the industry badociations to start a road, "he says.His position was refused a few hours later by the minister Italian Family, Lorenzo Fontana "She speaks in her personal capacity, not in the name of the government The family we recognize and support, even economically, is the one sanctioned and protected by the Constitution."

"We censor the chosen place, Pompeii, where is the sanctuary This designation offends Christian principles and demonstrates, once again, that this government does not represent and defend the Christian Jewish values ​​on the basis of which God made them man and woman. The gay choice, which deserves respect, never It can however be considered as a source of pride or normality, said the president of Unione Cristiana and exhibitor of Forza Italia, Scilipoti Isgrò: "On the participation of Spadafora," l & # 39, executive takes his distance. "

Bullets to mayor:" Gay resigns or hurts us "- Spadafora's words arrive at a few hours in an intimidating gesture towards Giorgio Zino, mayor of San Giorgio in Cremano (Naples) The first citizen received an envelope containing two unexploded projectiles and a sheet of paper with the inscription "Gay of m … resign or harm you and your family". [19659004] On the episode investigate the local carabineers station. "Current investigations are not appropriate to go into the details of what happened – says Zino – My fellow citizens must know that I will not come back on the road to legality, I'm I trust investigators and I thank those who show solidarity ".

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