Genoa – "Piloted" bans and study by the University: 3 teachers were studied Liguria | Genoa


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Genoa – The instructions to his doctoral students were clear: "Increase by 5-600 euros, credible fault, I put a signature on it and then I send it.I do not want to see a c … I want see only money. "Talking is Mosè Ricci architect, urban planner and lecturer of the University of Genoa investigated in a thorough investigation on the parquet of Trento , involving 18 teachers and architects, among them two other Genoese teachers: Giorgio Cacciaguerra expert in civil, environmental and mechanical engineering, and Marco Tubino one of the consultants who, in the name of Genoa Procura, had signed the maxi-report on the flood of Fereggiano

Charges in various ways are of abuse of function, fraud, disturbance to auctions, fake, and have opened a disturbing window on the relationship s between Ateneo, the municipal administration and the mix between public and private. Ricci, who rewrote the urban planning of Trento and had treated several great contracts, is the character around which turn almost all the events challenged by the magistrates. In his opinion, prosecutor Carmine Russo had applied for house arrest, a measure that the judge had reduced to the ban on public office for a year.

To betray an old habit to Ricci, who had already led him to find himself in the sight of the Court of the Counts of Genoa: mix private activity and public functions . A trend that the Faculty of Architecture had led to a protest of students, who had reported the repeated absences of the teacher (damage to the University of Genoa according to the judges is 131 thousand euros ).

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