Germany, after shock Merkel and Seehofer discover transit zones for migratory repression


After hours of tension and at the end of an infinite summit, Angela Merkel and Horst Seehofer reached "a clear agreement". To say that it was the Minister of the Interior with an official note, that he then clarified will not leave his office. Only yesterday had threatened to enter into controversy with the results of the EU Council on migrants last Friday. The two met all day, with the President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble to act as mediator.

The crucial point of the dispute was the agreement on rejections at the German border. asylum seekers already registered in another EU country: the measure sought by Seehofer, which Merkel has now decided, because she considers it as a "unilateral decision " of a state. In the evening, Bild spoke of a "new turning point" in the conflict between the CDU of Chancellor Angela Merkel and the CSU of Interior Minister Horst Seehofer on immigration. Citing sources aware of the ongoing debate at the Konrad-Adenauer-Haus, Bild reports that there could be an agreement on so-called transit zones for asylum seekers. It would act as closed centers, to be created in Baviera where applications for asylum seekers would be examined quickly. Faced with a possible refusal, he would proceed immediately to refusals, as in the airport procedures. In this way, Seehofer could maintain the leadership of the CSU and its role as Minister of the Interior. It is an idea already examined in 2015, at the height of the migratory crisis, but which was at the time discarded because of the resistance of Spd which on the contrary, this time, according to Bild reports, excludes this solution. Chancellor Merkel, reports Bild, would agree with this solution, while remaining in doubt about the possibility of repatriation in countries like Italian asylum seekers who are denied their request for entry into Germany

The summit is only the last act, for the moment, of the crisis of the German government which began in mid-June. A rift between the two Christian Democratic allies who met a new chapter in the night between Sunday and Monday, with the meeting at Monaco of the leaders of the CSU and the ultimatum given by Seehofer to the Chancellor. After twice threatening the resignation the Minister of the Interior appealed to a last desperate attempt to reach an agreement . But if "in three days " will not obtain a satisfactory turn from Merkel on the issue of the migrants then he will leave "all seats . " The Union is on the verge of abyss said Monday morning Schäuble, who now asks the two protagonists of the crisis to find a compromise .The CSU, after what s & # 39; 39 pbaded Sunday evening, rather tried to minimize declaring itself open to a possible solution. "The stability of the government for us is not in question and the end of the joint parliamentary group is not the right way, "even the Bavarian President said, Markus Soeder that" in a government you can achieve a lot, but not "We believe that we need more security at the borders," he continued on the sidelines of an event in Pbadau stressing that the party is still ready to Compromise In the afternoon of the headquarters of the CDU, Konrad-Adenauer-Haus after a meeting of the river started at 8:30, also came the conciliatory tone of Merkel, available to find a solution . 19659002] The scenario: agreement, change of minister or urns Everything is however given to the one who will leave face to face Merkel-Seehofer in which, writes the Bavarian newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung "almost everything is still possible ". At this point between Berlin and Munich, between Cdu and Csu there could really be break as it has not happened since 1976 . Merkel has few options in front of him. Without an agreement suddenly with Seehofer at most before July 4 should accept the resignation of his minister. Seehofer could be replaced by another member of the CSU, for example the parent company Alexander Dobrindt . The other scenario would be the end of the coalition . At that time, the Chancellor was to appear before Parliament to ask confidence to certify the absence of a majority. From that moment, they must pbad 60 days before returning to vote . To avoid polls Merkel could try two ways: a minority government with the Social Democrats, or a new coalition with Spd and Verdi . In the case of a last-minute agreement, however, the Chancellor would appear before the Bundestag for a confidence that would simply serve late of the crisis.

Sunday Meeting – [19659007] For twice on Sunday night, Seehofer had threatened his resignation. The former were rejected by his own party, in the hands of the parent company Alexander Dobrindt who defined them as unacceptable. The second withdrew the minister himself, explaining that he would seek a new agreement with his chancellor. A ballet that reflects the fragility of the German political balance. That the situation is " very serious ", had herself admitted Merkel in an interview to Zdf released Sunday at 14 hours, before the tragedy Seehofer takes place in Munich. He declared that he "will do everything possible to obtain results and will continue to protect the responsibility of our country". But on the casus belli of the crisis is not backlogged by one centimeter: no opening at the time, to rejections at the German border of applicants asylum already registered in another EU country. "I would consider this a unilateral gesture of a state," he explained several times

Seehofer: "We will talk again" – hinge of the master plan on Immigration published by Seehofer: a text on which the CSU is played face, also in view of elections of next October in his Bavaria. "I say yes, that I will resign as minister and leader of the party and that I will do so in three days," confirmed Seehofer in the night, speaking in front of the party headquarters in Munich meeting in a day with the CDU, "in the hope that we can reach an agreement". "We will talk about it again – said the Minister of the Interior – In the interest of this country and the capacity of our coalition and the executive of the government, which we We want to reach an agreement on the key issues of border control and border rejections, and only on these points ". "I hope we will succeed," he concluded

The Crisis After the Council of the EU – The Asylstreit as well as the German newspapers call the government crisis "immigration, it seems to have arrived at a positive breakthrough after the European Council last week.The part of the Minister Seehofer asked to get in Brussels" something equivalent weight "for the rejections.For Merkel, the result of the negotiations was" same more than something that has an equivalent weight. "He believed that the Bavarian brothers could be satisfied by addressing them the eight-page letter entitled More Order and Control in Migration Policy in which he announced inter alia that he had agreements with 14 states of the EU to accelerate rejections

The Csu Summit in Monaco – Instead, Sunday has upset all paradigms. Seehofer told the summits of his Christian-Social Union, meeting in Munich, of not to be satisfied with the results obtained. It was the first cold downpour of Chief Csu, who according to sources from Dpa stated that none of Merkel's proposals is as effective as the unilateral rejection of part of Germany of migrants already registered in other countries. useless so that the summit between the two held between the two Saturday nights – the Chancellor "moved a zero point ", his comment reported by Bild . After the meeting of the river Csu, we are now asking for a new meeting to find a solution.

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