Germany and the tariffs worry the markets. Milan -1% – Economy and Finance


(Teleborsa) – No signs of recovery for Piazza Affari and other major European stock exchanges, which proved negative at mid-session .

Signs of crisis within the government undermine the German sentiment, cross-section on the issue of migrants, in addition to never feared fears of escalating trade war . According to the latest rumors, for the moment refused, the United States would also abandon the WTO.

No help from the macroeconomic front: the manufacturing PMI of the euro zone has fallen to its lowest level in a year and a half.
The Milan Stock Exchange is down sharply while the main European stock markets decline more moderately

The Euro / US Dollar recovers up to 1,163.

Among the commodities, stable gold which continues trading at the levels of the day before at an altitude of 1,248.5 dollars an ounce, while oil (light sweet crude oil) is arrested after The last tweet of Trump in which the US president asked Saudi Arabia to increase its crude oil production

The delicate situation in Germany puts pressure on the spread which stands at 244 basis points, an increase of 7 basis points, the yield of 10-year construction being equal to 2.74%

Among the main stock exchanges of the Old Continent Frankfurt record 0.37%, ] London charges a decline of 0.99%, Paris by 0.79%

In Piazza Affari, the FTSE MIB leaves on the floor at 1.05% and raises to 21.399 points; on the same line, a negative day for FTSE Italia All-Share which continues the session at 23,588 points, down 1,00%. Slightly negative FTSE Italy Mid Cap (-0.64%), like the FTSE Italia Star (-0.9%).

Unica Blue Chip of Milan for a good result Moncler which marks an increase of 1.33%.

The greatest disadvantage however occurs Recordati which collapses (-14.42%) by aligning with the price offered by CVC to take the majority of the shares of the pharmaceutical company.

Still sales on Mediaset that prolongs the abrupt falls marked in the last session of the last eighth in the wake of a demotion.

Negative performance for Prysmian the first day of capital increase, although the rights advance by more than 6 percentage points

At the top among the Italian shares at average capitalization Salini Impregilo (+ 2.60%), Geox (+ 1.49%), Mayor Tecnimont (+1, 30%) and IGD (+ 1.00%).

The worst performances, however, are recorded on Fincantieri who gets -5.74%

sinks EI Towers with a fall of 3.06%.

Crolla Datalogic with a decrease of 2.69%

Sales with both hands on IMA which suffered a decrease of 2.14%.

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