Germany, Csu: "Ready to compromise", signs of relaxation of the CDU


The German Government in the Balance

Around 17 there is a meeting of Cdu / Csu parliamentary groups (announced first, then canceled and then announced again) during which they should meet with Merkel and Seehofer


Strenuous hours in Berlin to try to save the government of Grosse Koalition

After dark, the Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer presents his resignation (as Minister of the Interior and Head of the CSU), Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Soder (CSU) has been more conciliatory: "We are ready to compromise because we have to be in policy". "There is no alternative to the government with us". Soder did not hide that he was himself surprised by the Minister of Interior's exit: "Horst has all surprised us yesterday."

The fragile coalition government in Germany risks falling on the knot of migrants, after the conservative component rejected the Chancellor's proposals to reduce the number of asylum seekers. At 5 pm, there will be a joint meeting of the Cdu / Csu parliamentary groups (first announced, then canceled and then announced) and during the meeting, the two protagonists of the confrontation, Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Seehofer should meet. 19659005] Cdu: still space for compromise on migrants
The German CDU still sees space for a compromise with the Bavarian Allied Csu on the issue of migrants. That's what we read about the statement issued at the end of a meeting of Angela Merkel's party, which began at 8:30, as Bild informs. "We want an agreement for a common procedure," they say the CDU

Schauble warns: "At the edge of the abyss"
The President of the German Bundestag, Wolfgang Schauble, warned the Cdu / Csu Union, the Christian Democratic parties, to seek a compromise by ending the fierce fight against the rejection of migrants at the borders. "The Union is on the verge of collapse", he warned

Seehofer tries to recover the votes of the right, in view of the regional elections in Bavaria, in October, during which he risks losing voices. The far right of the AfD

The SPD calls for a tripartite summit
The SPD wants to have its say in an agreement on migration policy and calls for a tripartite summit between leaders of party members of the government coalition. "Here we discuss the future of the government," said leader Andrea Nahles in reference to tensions between Cdu and Csu over national borders. "My patience is exhausting," he added, stressing that the Social Democrat Party, which supports Merkel in his efforts to counter the use of unilateral border measures, will not respect a settlement agreement. compromise providing for the rejection of part of the migrants.

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