Germany, Merkel can not be claimed Chancellor – Europe


Angela Merkel announced the exit of the Bundestag after the end of the current legislature. "It's my last term as chancellor, I'm also leaving the presidency of the Cdu. I do not want political tasks anymore. "

"The election results are extremely bitter and disappointing both in Hesse and the Bund". "It's unfortunate, because the black and green government has presented a convincing budget," Merkel told Berlin after the double electoral defeat in Hesse and Bavaria

"As Chancellor, I have the responsibility for everythingfor what he succeeds and for what he does not succeed. The time has come to open a new chapter: I will not represent myself as President of the CDU, this fourth term is the last as Chancellor, I will not present a new candidate for the Bundestag in 2021 and I do not wish any other political mission. "I was not born Chancellor," Merkel added.

"It is clear that we can not continue like this. The image of the government is unacceptable"And this has deeper reasons than communication reasons," he said, citing a "culture of work" problem. Finally, Merkel excluded a renomination even though the current government has fallen, due to the withdrawal of the SPD.

The former trade union leader, Friedrich Merz, would be ready to run for president of the CDU at the next congress. The current secretary general of the CDU, Anngret Kramp-Karrenbauer, is also a candidate for the presidency of the CDU.
Health Minister Jens Spahn will also be running for president of the CDU at the party's next congress in December. In the past, Spahn has strongly criticized Angela Merkel's line and is considered a possible successor of the Chancery.

The outgoing Cdu-Ver coalition would have the opportunity to continue to rule in German Hesse, even with a very limited majorityentrusted to a single seat. The outgoing President of the Land, Volker Bouffier, of the CDU, said that such a coalition would certainly be a "challenge", but also "a way to discipline" the executive parties. The FDP had already advanced, saying it was available for a so-called Jamaica (Cdu-Verdi-Fdp). Today, however, Christian Lindner pointed out that in terms of numbers, a constellation of "traffic lights" would also be possible, red-yellow-green, which is independent of the CDU.

Hesse urns still slap Angela Merkel, as the polls widely predict: the Cdu loses more than ten points, touches the worst result since 1966 e sees green allies triumph. However, the initial data do not constitute a political earthquake and the Christian Democrats are immediately trying to contain fears of reprisals against the Berlin government. What will be measured anyway from tomorrow. Chancellor Chancellor Volker Bouffier's outgoing president will continue to govern the Frankfurt area and immediately state in his budget that no coalition can be formed against the CDU. As in Bavaria, it may not even serve a third ally, despite the advances of the Liberals. Social Democrats are the real losers of the eveninghowever, they treat the result with caution. They ask the Union to stop fighting (an implicit way to point the finger Horst Seehofer, the Bavarian minister who has put the government into crisis twice in a few months) and to announce checks on the opportunity to continue working together. But this is not a real questioning of the Big Koalition. Also because if the alliance really jumped, the most plausible scenario would be the vote, which could at this point prove fatal for the party of Andrea Nahles and Olaf Scholz. Faced with a fall of more than 10 points – according to the first projections, the CDU would have 27.2% (against 38.3 in 2013) – Bouffier was immediately able to look at the glbad half full: "It's an evening with mixed feelings.It is painful to think of the lost votes, but we also found that the fighting was worth it.We had two objectives: to remain the first political force of the Land and not to have a possible coalition against us, we both reached them ". A reaction from Secretary-General Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, who has congratulated herself for "avoiding the red-red-green coalition".

Environmentalists come at the same time, with 19.6% (11.1%)"Hesse has never been so green before," said Annalena Baerbock, who shares the presidency with Robert Habeck. We are delighted with this better historic result of the Greens in Hessen, "he added, paying tribute to the outgoing Minister of Economy, Tarek Al Waziri, who led the party to tonight's triumph. of the Social Democrats, Thorsten Schaefer-Gumbel, who saw the party slip to 19.6% (against 30.7 in 2013), against the Greens, who tend to become the second German political force Among the undisputed winners of the evening, there is the ultra-right of Afd, who enters the Land Parliament (and is present in the 16 countries) with a double-digit result, 12.8% (the other) once missed the goal and stayed at 4.1) .The Liberals also celebrate that with 7.8% (they had the 5th) could be decisive, and put themselves at the disposal of the Giamaika coalition.But for the evening we can understand if the outgoing black-green coalition can do it alone, even for lack of votes.When the polls close in Hesse, the problems come back to Berlin, where the parties of the Big Koalition will have to specify the punishment of the electorate and avoid the "shocks" which, according to Wolfgang Schaeuble, could have provoked the "big change". The scenario that suits no one.

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