Germany, Spain and Portugal host 50 migrants. But Prague and Budapest freeze


Ships Still in Front of Pozzallo

"The approach of Conte is the road to hell," says Czech Prime Minister Babis. Reaches 57 women and children of the two ships Frontex and GdF waiting in the offshore Pozzallo


After Malta and France, Germany, Spain and Portugal will also take 50 of the 450 migrants who are aboard the two Gdf and Frontex vessels arrested yesterday Pozzallo waiting for directions for the landing. This is known by government sources, which define signals from other EU countries as "a success". These are the first responses to the letter that Prime Minister Conte addressed to the leaders of the Union, asking for signs of responsibility. And to which, however, in the last hours, the dry "no" of the Czech Republic has arrived. While the Spanish NGO Open Arms announces that she has resumed rescue missions .

Count: "Solidarity of the EU, move forward firmly"
"It is the solidarity and responsibility that we have always asked Europe and now, after the results achieved at the last European Council, they begin to become reality, "writes the Prime Minister on Facebook. "We continue on this path firmly and with respect for human rights," he adds.

But Prague freezes it: Approaching Conte is the road to hell
"I received the letter from the Italian Prime Minister Conte asking the EU to take in charge of some of the 450 people who are currently at sea. Such an approach is the road to hell. "Andrej Babis, prime minister of the Czech Republic, one of the Visegrad group countries, writes on Twitter. "Our country – he continues – will not receive any migrants, the only solution to the migration crisis is the Australian model, which is not to land migrants in Europe."

Hungary makes even: "We do not welcome anyone" 19659007] "Hungary does not welcome anyone, Hungarian voters have been clear in the last elections: they do not want to live in a country of immigration", explains Istvan Hollik, spokesman for the parliamentary group Fidesz, the party of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. "The Hungarians reject the plan Soros ", adds" Soros ships "those who rescue migrants at sea.

57 women and children land in Pozzalo, children burned
57 women and children land at the port of Pozzallo (Ragusa), where operations Authorized by the President of the Council, Giuseppe Conte, were completed for the weakest members of the group of about 450 migrants who were rescued two days ago off Linosa. In detail, 14 children and 43 women fell to the ground.

The conditions of some children were considered mild for burns due to prolonged exposure to the sun. After the first identification procedures that the patrol boat of the Guardia di Finanza has just landed, the migrants – all transhipped from the "Monte Sperone" ship of the GdF – are escorted to the Pozzallo hotspot

They remain on board the British ship "Protector", engaged in the Frontex aircraft, 185 men.The "Protector" remains anchored near Pozzallo due to a failure of one of the engines. Sperone "has 195 men on board.

Salvini from Moscow:" Italy is no longer the refugee camp of the world "

"The open arms to Libya for their closed ports" [19659007"Lesdeuxnavires"oftheNGOProactivaOpenArmswhich"gobackintotheLibyanwaterssavetimeandmoneybecausetheItalianportsarenotavailable"answersthepressoftheorganizationwhichstatesthatithastwounsuccessfulshipstotheSaar(Zonederechercheetdesauvetage)Libyan

Muscat writes to Italy: "Unacceptable accusations"
"The badertion that Malta has not complied with its obligations" in the case of the boat with 450 migrants "is totally unacceptable". This is what the Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat wrote in a letter to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, in response to a letter from the same Tale about the content of which Muscat was saying "perplexed". In his message, obtained by the ANSA, Muscat confirms however "the will to take care of the people present on the boat, according to our telephone agreement".

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