Gf Vip, Ivan Cattaneo and this hot sms at Al Bano: "You have me writing:" Fuck … tonight? "


Ivan Cattaneo he left the house of Big Brother Vip. But let's get back to being talked about during Obligation and Truth on Tgcom24. And statements can not help but smile, especially when he shoots the ball At Bano Carrisi.

The singer, who recently finished in a yellow on his health, had the "misfortune" to receive an SMS sent by Catanneo but addressed to another man. Damn phone book and damn names too similar. Those of the former competitor of Gf Vip These are hot revelations, which will certainly speak: he actually sent a text message to poor Al Bano, who found on his mobile phone a completely unexpected message.

"Al Bano called me and asked me," What message did you send me? Did you write "Scop ** mo tonight?" I went to check … I exchanged Albino with Al Bano. I wanted to bury myself alive with shame, "said Cattaneo, who then claimed to have been with a famous footballer of the 80s, but without revealing any other details of this story of love with a character which "can still be seen".

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