Giorgia Meloni attacks Matteo Salvini: "We are real sovereigns, they are populist"


"Apart from that I we are true sovereigns and they are populist, our goal is to build a new majority in Europe it goes from the populist popular with us conservatories and reformists to serve as a bridge. "Giorgia Meloni, in an interview with La Stampa, after the sparks with Matteo Salvini in terms of alliances in Europe, he stands out from the league leader.

For the leader of the Brothers of Italy, "it is good that Orbán stays in the European People's Party because he is pushing in our direction." FdI has long considered the Visegrad group as a model to stay ahead in Europe and without treading the borders "explains Meloni.

Read also: Di Maio and 5 stars, an unstoppable collapse. Salvini enjoys. Masia shock survey: the figures of the grillino disaster

Because there is a difference between the conservatives and the populist sovereignists, it is: "I think that the project of Salvini has not yet specified what he wants to do with it." Europe, but our challenge goes beyond criticism and proposes the alternative of a confederal rather than federal model that maintains the sovereignty of nations and shares macro-themes such as the defense of borders, "concludes the leader of the Brothers of Italy.

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