Global Compact for Migrants, Italy will not sign the UN document


On immigration policies Matteo Salvini recomposes the axis with the sovereign countries of Visegrád and announces that on 10 and 11 December, at the intergovernmental meeting in Marrakech, Morocco, Italy will not sign the Global Compact for Refugees and Migrants (GCM). Or rather, he will sign it only after a parliamentary debate on the subject (which will probably take place before December 10). An abnormal procedure to sign a simple statement of principles, the result of more than two years of negotiations began in late 2016 with the adoption of the New York Declaration by the UN General Assembly.

The remarks of the Deputy Prime Minister came today, surprisingly, at the meeting in Montecitorio on the security decree. The deputy Gregorio Fontana (Forza Italy) accused the executive of "political eye": "On the one hand, the government intervenes with a decree aimed at stopping the flow of migrants and immigrants. On the other hand, there is no clear position on the Global Compact that harms "Italy – accused Fontana – it is not certain whether Italy adheres to the December 11th signing in Marrakech. and that Conté at the UN has given a favorable line. "It is at this point, almost extemporaneously, that Salvini announced: "The government will not sign anything and will not go to Marrakech because the debate is so important that it does not deserve to be a choice of the government but it must be the House to discuss it." Shortly after the same Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, in a note, confirmed Salvini's words: "The Global Compact for Migration is a document that raises problems and problems that even the citizens feel: we believe that it is therefore appropriate for parliamentarians to make the debate and to put the final choices at the end of the discussion As decided by Switzerland, the Government will not participate in Marrakesh, reserving the right to join the document only when Parliament has spoken ".

I sign, I do not sign

Immediate reaction of the Democratic Party which, with Graziano Delrio attacked the leader of the league: "The true President of the Council, Salvini, denied the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister during the accession of Italy to the GCM". In fact, the remarks made today by the Minister of the Interior are a substantial reversal of what has been declared, even internationally, by the members of the yellow-green executive. On September 26, since the stage of the United Nations Assembly, Mr. Conte said that "the migratory phenomena with which we measure ourselves require a structured response, at several levels and in the short, medium and long term of the entire international community, and on that basis we support the Global Compact on Migration and Refugees ". An opening also reaffirmed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, who, just a week ago, answered a question from Giorgia Meloni (FdI) during an hour of questions in the House, recalling that the CWM "will not be a legally binding act" and that "the document contains principles of shared responsibility in the management of immigration charges". In the same vein, the undersecretary of foreign affairs, the "grillino", had just queued two months ago. Manlio Di Stefano, also on the occasion of the 73rd General Assembly of the United Nations: "We are convinced that the CWM will be a useful tool to maximize the impact of available resources in the management of migratory flows", he declares. Today, however, Di Stefano has joined the joint note of parliamentarians of the House and Senate Foreign Affairs Committee of the M5, which supports the change of government.

False news

Italy is certainly not the only country where the GMC debate has divided the parties. The extreme right of the AFD in Germany and that of Marine Le Pen in France accused their governments of having approved a document which, in their view, encourages illegal immigration. A line shared in Italy by the Brothers of Italy. During weeks Giorgia Meloni launched a campaign in Parliament and on social networks against signing the document. According to the movements of the European right, the GMC imposes additional obligations on the signatory states and, what is even more serious, "states that immigration is a fundamental right and that it will therefore be impossible for the states to limit migratory flows "(words of Giovanbattista Fazzolari de Fratelli d 'Italia). In reality,The project says something very different, saying that "refugees and migrants have the same human rights and the same fundamental freedomswhich must always be respected and protected. In any case – recognizes the GMC – migrants and refugees are separate groups governed by a different regulatory framework ".

In addition, the same draft agreement specifies in black and white that it is a "non-contractual document"This" reaffirms the sovereign right of states to choose their own migration policy. "In summary, the GMC is nothing more than a digest of principles and effective practices for shared management of migration flows. it creates no new legal obligation, it is an unprecedented declaration of intent, because it concerns many countries around the world that agree to co-operatively manage a phenomenon that "no state can face alone" ( thesis shared several times by the same government (yellow-green).

Some say no

Until now, as shown by the map created by the ISPI (above), several states (in addition to the defections of the United States and Australia) have decided not to sign the UN document. These include three of the sovereign countries of the Visegrád Group (Slovakia, Poland, Hungary), as well as Croatia, Bulgaria and Austria. Among the undecided, Switzerland (which will however address the issue in Parliament) and Belgium. Italy at the time said no. But the government's position, given the constant changes in line, seems anything but clear.

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