"Go home, there is nothing to fear"


FERMO – "With everything you hear today, if they contact us, they let us know that they are good for us it would be a great relief". This is the call launched at Tg 3 March by Paola Muroni and Davide Fiorentini, parents of Gaia, 17, who have not known each other since Friday, after she and her friend Gaia Maria Perbado leave it, from the Mirage campsite in Marina di Altidona (Fermo)

Gaia Perbado and Gaia Fiorentini disappeared: disappeared after a fight with the parents

"Come back home as soon as possible, it will be n & ## There is nothing to fear, we are waiting for your news, "the message from family members. Gaia Maria Perbado's parents attended a meeting at the police station Ps di Fermo which coordinates the search after the start of the procedure for missing minors. Meanwhile, many reports came from social networks and traditional channels that indicate the presence of girls in areas adjacent to Fermano, the police review … The preferred path remains voluntary departure, but without excluding other scenarios. f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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