Golan, Israel is preparing for war


The mermaids returned to play in the Upper Galilee. Underground shelters have been established, while the IDF, the Israel Defense Forces, are moving on the corroded Golan routes and some departments. The Israeli army has today strengthened its presence in the Golan Heights, near the dividing line with Syria. A spokesman for the Defense Forces (IDF) reports this. "The IDF attaches great importance to the continuation of the 1974 disengagement agreement between Israel and Syria," the statement added, adding that "the IDF will maintain the principle of non-involvement in the Syrian civil war and respond resolutely. the violation of the sovereignty of the state of Israel and the creation of a risk for its residents. "

In recent days, some villages in southwestern Syria between The rebels' hands have accepted the reconciliation agreement, advancing the government army's commitment to reclaim strategic areas on the border with Jordan and the Golan Heights. The Israeli army also said that humanitarian aid would continue to be routed to refugees approaching the border.In spite of the badurances, the tension remains high, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu mentioned the situation. n Syria during the government meeting Sunday: "We will continue to defend our borders, we will provide humanitarian aid in the best possible way, we will not allow entry to our territories and we will require a membership on the disengagement with the Syrian army, "says the prime minister.

Netanyahu added that he is in constant contact with the White House and the Kremlin, as do Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman and IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot, along with his counterparts. in the United States and Russia. After the government meeting, Netanyahu convened the Security Council, expanded to the IDF summit and heads of intelligence services: a sign that the situation may fall. The Israeli army has increased its deployment on the border with Syria by sending more tanks and guns. The military spokesman said that the division 210 / Bashan guarding the Golan Heights should be strengthened. "This has been done – he explained – as part of the preparations for the army given the changing situation.Highlands of the Syrian Golan near the border". On the other side of the border, Bashar al-Assad's military offensive and Russian forces against rebels are underway in the region. The Israeli army reiterated that it is ready for a "firm response" to any deliberate or accidental strike that strikes Israel from Syrian territory

The Flood of Refugees Fleeing the Battlefields in the South of the Syrian Arab Republic Syria to the borders with Jordan and Israel have inflated last weekend, while their number has increased to 160,000, according to the UN. The Israeli army provided humanitarian aid to the tent camps in which the refugees gathered in the Golan Heights. Help yes, but no entry: "We will continue to defend our borders, we will try to offer help for what will be possible but we will not allow entry." on our territory ", reiterates the Israeli Prime Minister at the end of the Security Council. Netanyahu has obtained, with the mediation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, that foreign Shia militias and Iranian military advisers be excluded from military operations in the region of Syria bordering Israel. But the agreement between Russia and Israel is already hesitant. Moscow fears that the exchange of fire between Israel and Iran on Syrian territory and Israeli air strikes against Syria will provoke a large-scale regional conflict.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said: an interview with Israeli broadcaster Kan. "This exchange of attacks, and in particular Israeli air strikes on some structures in Syria, could be out of control and lead to a serious deterioration of the situation in the region." In general, I think that the interest in Russia or Israel, "said Bogdanov, Bogdanov said in his speech that Iran is present in Syria with military advisers who help Syrians in the fight against Terrorism. "To our knowledge, Iranian troops are not present on Syrian territory, there are Iranian soldiers, advisers, I think that their number, although I am not sure, is rather limited", he concluded: Israel is of the opposite opinion: according to intelligence reports, at least 40,000 Shiite militiamen, coordinated in the field by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Lebanese Hezbollah, are fighting alongside the government. Assad army: Syrian rebels denounced the violation of agreements by Shiite militiamen trained by the Pasdaran, probably Lebanese and Iraqi

Israeli intelligence services have reliable information on the situation in the country. ; might apply infiltrated Hezbollah among the Syrian refugees. For this reason, the Israeli Ministry of Defense has decided to modernize the military apparatus along the southern Golan Heights to lock the border. The Tel Aviv think tank "Debka" warns that those who are desperate can do anything. Also recruited for a handful of dollars, and the promise of help for his family, to turn into a "human bomb", as has already happened at the Syrian-Jordanian border. Yesterday, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres again demanded that militias armed with any deployment immediately leave the buffer zone under the responsibility of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force in order to Avoid any climbing in the area. Israel has repeatedly warned that it would not allow Shiite militias to move closer to its borders and to the UN buffer zone with resolution 350 of 31 May 1974: an area currently abandoned, for security reasons, by blue helmets. 19659002] The strategy used by the Syrian regime in the border areas with Israel and Jordan recalls what had already been seen in Aleppo and Eastern Ghouta: Russian Sukhoi planes, which bombed very sensitive structures such as schools, opened the way for the troops of Damascus. and hospitals, probably to terrorize civilians and convince them to flee. Military intelligence from the Jewish state said that the MiG and the Moscow Sukhoi flew 300 missions only on Thursday, while the Damascus planes conducted 40 raids. In particular, the cities of Nawa and Sheikh Miskin, at the foot of the Golan, have been targeted.

"In Syria, civilians continue to be used as pawns" by the parties to the conflict, denounced the United Nations High Commissioner. Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein reiterating that international law requires every effort to protect civilians and ensure a safe pbadage for those wishing to escape. In this inflamed scenario, Pope Francis launched a new appeal for Syria to the Angelus. "It remains serious – he said – the situation in Syria, especially in the province of Daraa, where thousands of refugees are fleeing at this time." I renew my call because people who have barely suffered for years are spared. "Syria's numbers are appalling, a quarter of Syrians are refugees, but in addition to the 5.5 million refugees, we need to add 6 million displaced people, a humanitarian disaster of unprecedented magnitude, "said Apostolic Nuncio Syria, Cardinal Mario Zenari, in an interview with Tv2000." These 12 million Syrians – added Cardinal Zenari – who have been forced to leave their homes and neighborhoods because they are destroyed by bombs dream of returning home, someone else will also dream of the boat or other roads but the vast majority want to go home, and even if houses are now destroyed without windows, doors, water and electricity, they remain the home of all Syrians, so war and violence must stop immediately. " war and violence are still the tragic normality in tormented Syria and for a hopeless people.

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