Golan, the situation may become uncontrollable


He has always been the "weak side" of the Israeli defense, but now he has become a more sensitive nerve. Indeed, discovered. We are talking about the Golan, a mbadif on the northern borders of the Jewish state, a "prey" of war conquered during the "Six Day War" and a real strategic lintel for the entire security system of Jerusalem and its region. more promising: Galilee. Thus, Netanyahu and his armed forces face a double urgency of hard ones, which causes them to find themselves on the brink of a nervous breakdown. They find a mbad of militant Shiite militias (Hezbollah) ante portam, with the addition of several contingents of Iranian Revolutionary Guards, their most deadly enemies. And, as if that were not enough, the Israelis must solve the problem of the thousands of Syrian refugees who camped a kilometer from their border in the region of Barika. The Mossad, the mythical Jewish secret service, has already lit all the red light bulbs in the Jerusalem button room. Eye, said 007 Netanyahu, because when we mingle with the tide of refugees, there are surely "sleeping terrorists" ready to do a mbadacre. Despite this, until now, Israelis have tried to cope with the humanitarian emergency by building one kiln for 12,000 refugees and distributing basic necessities and medicines. However, it is a situation that can become uncontrollable at any time, as the Assad government and the Iranian Shiites and Hezbollah, with a pincer movement, are targeting Quneitra, still in rebel hands. At this point, the experts emit the hypothesis of different tactical scenarios. Netanyahu might try to do some business with the anti-Assad insurgents fleeing Daraa, who is about to fall permanently. Also because the Russians close the circle, supporting the government with deadly and repeated attacks that go beyond a hundred missions a day. The pincer maneuver we talked about earlier could lead the Syrian-Shiite coalition, with an attack from the south, to eliminate the army's resistance pocket Khalid ibn Walid, an ISIS formation that has survived. From the north, however, Assad and his aggressive allies could collapse and reunite with the other arm, emerging in strength near Hamat Gader, just steps from the Sea of ​​Galilee. Logical, therefore, that the Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, Gady Eisenkott, ordered his units to keep their fingers on the trigger and also issued a kind of warning to the sailors: no invasion will be tolerated in the "demilitarized zone" set by the ceasefire agreements with Syria in 1974. Eisenkott, after his trip to Washington to take stock of the crisis with the high poppies of the Pentagon, wanted to inspect his defensive line on the Golan, given to Jerusalem, continues to speak openly of the war. And while the international press underestimates the dramatic moment along the Israeli-Syrian-Jordanian border, the Americans, fearing the worst, are moving along the lines of "parallel diplomacy." The Russians have already warned that from July 24, joint maneuvers will be conducted by the US Air Force and the jets from Jerusalem (we are talking about the use of the "Super Hornet"), ready to bombard Shiite forces that may be too close to Galilee. The American planes are those of the aircraft carrier Harry Truman, located in the eastern Mediterranean. However, badysts are convinced that eventually Trump and Putin could reach, at their next summit, a kind of "gentlemen's agreement", to try to throw the water on the fire and calm the Israelis, to more and more feared of a surprise attack that could be led by Hezbollah and the guards of the Ayatollah revolution in the Golan Heights. A movement that, without a doubt, would trigger a generalized war, involving Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Iran and, if it were to escape from any one of the skein, even the Russian forces In the region.

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