The government "is working to solve the country's problems." Deputy Secretary Giancarlo Giorgetti said this after the meeting at Palazzo Chigi with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. "We are surprised by the useless and pretentious polemics.The government goes hand in hand with Lega and M5 on things to do," he said in response to criticisms made against some of his statements in the new book by Bruno Vespa.
The case was triggered by a sentence on the "income of citizenship" pronounced a few days ago in an interview granted to Bruno Vespa's book: "The measure has no complications of any kind." implementation, if it manages to create jobs, well it will remain a provision that is an end in itself ". A statement that had made Luigi Di Maio furious, while Mr Conte, visiting Tunis, said that the measure, even if it was "very carefully", would begin "next year". And although the League tried to calm the minds by explaining that they did not want to put the measure in question, the M5 had entrusted the answer to Riccardo Fraccaro: "The complications occur when they try to insinuate doubts about the points included in the contract ".
After the clarification meeting between the prime minister and the undersecretary, however, Giorgetti badured that the income from citizenship would come with pension reform by decree, after the launch of the maneuver, "at Christmas" or anyway around this date. While Conté badured that the money is there to do everything that was planned.
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