Government, superstar Salvini. But the surprise is Tria – Politics


Survey of taste: first League, according to the economist, third Di Maio


Tomorrow will be 30 days since the government swore in front of the President of the Republic. And the first month has ended with the wind in the stern, which means that there remains a great wait against this government and also towards the neophyte President of the Council Giuseppe Tale . In fact, the confidence is in the executive that the prime minister is higher than the threshold of 50% of Italians. In particular Conte receives 53% of confidence, while the government as a whole 51%. This is certainly an important result, but it should also be noted that in the latest polls the sum of the consent to M5S and Lega, the two signatories of the contract to be able to govern together, is 56%. But it is also interesting to badyze the confidence of ministers. The one with the highest level of trust is Salvini, 56% the only one that outperforms Conte.
The surprise is in second place. Di Maio does not appear, but the Minister of Economy Tria with 50% confidence. Probably even among the partisans of this government prevails two souls, the most populist and the most rational, of technical direction. Third Maio : reaches 49%. Precious threshold, but 7 points away from his direct competitor, the leader of the Northern League. Even though it is not on the podium, the good performance of the Minister of Ambiente Costa and the Minister of Salute Grillo (tied for fourth with 47 %) must be noted. Toninelli is in eighth place, so also Centinaio tenth with 39%, and Fraccaro occupies the fourteenth stage with 36%. Among the last appears the sealant Bonafede which precedes Bussetti Fontana and finally with 33% closes the clbadification to the eighteenth place the minister of the South Lezzi .

(*) Director Noto Sondaggi

PHOTOS / Under-Secretaries and Deputy Ministers: Office of the 45

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