Graduates, decree entering to regularize the situation ⋆ School & Competitions


Shortly before the government's disposition useful to regularize the situation of graduates. In an interview with La Repubblica, Marco Bussetti rebadured both the master graduates and the graduate professors: "The decree was sent to Palazzo Chigi to be shared. We will respect the sentence of the State Council that removes them from the GaE, but we will meet the expectations of all teachers, graduates and graduates. No to a third ranking. We must ensure a good start to the school year and qualified teachers are part of it. "

It is good not to forget that the decree will not be a definitive solution.To arrange the whole system of interests will not be easy.Heavy, however, that a competition" reserved "is organized There will be no amnesty because the Miur wants to respect the sentence of the State Council.

The sentence of December 20
With the conviction of December 20, the Plenary Assembly has actually completely dismantled all of this, since 2014, have been laboriously constructed, piece by piece, in the courtrooms of Justice

Here are the highlights of the sentence:

– the graduates would have had to present in 2007, under pain of forfeiture, the application for the inscription in the Gae; 19659003] – should have, under penalty of forfeiture, to contest the decree of update 2007 of Gae,

L & # Plenary Assembly has expressed this in the first sentence after having annulled the sentence. n.1973 / 2015 issued by Section VI of the State Council, finding it wrong in many respects and noting that it does not have erga omnes effect, since the decree 235/2014 can not be recognized as a normative nature, therefore by stating the principle of law according to which a substantial and procedural deprivation would have been found, the supposed enabling character of the diploma not having been created. "in 2014 following the opinion of the same State Council, having this simple nature Recognition of an alleged enabling nature recognized directly by law

Pre-existing character – and presumed – title qualifier , it would be necessary to submit the application for registration to Gae in 2007, that is to say when permanent rankings turned into rankings with exhaustion, and the consequent need to challenge the decree of update of 2007, first and only, to say of the decision in question, act immediately harmful.

Then, the Plenary Assembly also completely dismantled the qualification of the diploma obtained before 2001/2002.

According to the College, in fact, according to the 2013 opinion, from which the supposed nature of the degree, it can be deduced only that the title in question, far from being a qualification for teaching, only allows the opportunity to participate in qualifying courses or qualifying and exam competitions to teach positions, but in itself does not allow immediate access to roles.

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