Greece devastated by fire, at least 74 dead and 556 wounded Government: "Arson"


Found 26 bodies burnt in the courtyard of a villa near the capital. Farnesina: "There are no Italians not found"

It makes at least 74 dead, but more than 100 are feared, and 556 wounded the dramatic balance of fires burned in two large forests Athens . The fires fed are fueled by fires, while a heat wave has increased temperatures around 40 degrees. The authorities declared the state of emergency and requested the badistance of the Union . Thousands of people on the run . The government: "47 stakes, impossible to be random".

In the rescue of Greece were also sent two Canadian firefighters who will be operational from Wednesday.

Authorities: "Criminal Fire" – "From 6 Monday morning until 6 Tuesday morning we recorded 47 fires, all in very close places". According to Greek government sources that firefighters and law enforcement officials believe the triggers are malevolent. "The woodlands and cultivated lands are burned one after the other, which shows that it is impossible to say that the fires are occasional."

Find 26 people burned in a villa – According to the Cross – Red, 26 bodies were found in the courtyard of a villa in Mati, 40 kilometers from Athens. In recent hours, the budget has reached at least 60 victims and more than 150 wounded. To point out is the mayor of Rafina, Evangelos Bournous. Many corpses found "at home or in cars", confirmed the spokesman of the Greek government, Dimitris Tzanakopulos.

"Mati as Pompeii, mothers and children dead embraced" – The images of the city of Mati "recall the macabre scene of Pompeii: the rescuers found among other things calcined bodies of two dead women kissed their children ". Greek TV Skai reports it. Some people, the transmitter continues on their site, have "tried to escape the flames by running towards the sea", but a cliff forced them to leave in search of another issue, and "they did not do it

Roghi Greece, the death toll is exacerbated: village canceled

The testimony:" Mati no longer exists "- " I have seen corpses, burned cars, I feel lucky to be alive. it's even more like a regulation. "This is the testimony of a woman who survived the fires of the Greek TV Skai, drawn from international media. </ p> <p> Mati is a coastal resort resort in the Rafina area, about 40 km northeast of Athens.

"Fire chased us, ran away into the sea" – "Luckily there is the sea, we ran away because the flames pursued us to the water. "A witness said this, Kostas Laganos, who escaped into the flames in Greece, quoted by the BBC Online. We burned our backs and plunged us into the water, I said 'my God, we must run to save ourselves'. "A Search and Rescue Operation at Sea, adds the British broadcaster, was launched for 10 tourists who fled the flames by boat.

Five corpses found at sea – Five bodies were found at sea, Off the coast of Artemida: it is a man, three women and a child who are presumed drowned in the flames. And it is to be feared for the fate of two Danish tourists, who along with other people – all saved – used a raft to escape the fires. About 700 people were rescued right here by the Greek coastguards.

"There are no Italians found." – The head of the Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stefano Verrecchia, said this about Italian nationals. In a tweet from the Farnesina an emergency number was also issued to call when needed: +39 06 36225.

The Italian ambbadador: "Horrible Scenes" – "We have saw horrible scenes, with at least 12 hours of hell and horror coming from the west but then, because of the wind, the greatest damage and casualties were recorded on the coast is Attica ". This was declared by the Italian ambbadador in Greece Efisio Luigi Marras, to Rainews24

Italian tourists: "Closed at the hotel, sky of fire" – "We are safe in the # They were removed and they took us to the hotel, we should leave today.The sky of Athens yesterday was yellow, it looked like a sandstorm, it was the color of fire ". This is the testimony of Michele D'Ambrosio, former mayor of Santeramo (Bari), who is with other Italians on vacation in Athens, where dozens of people have died in those hours because of fires.

Count: "Vicini to the Greeks, ready two Canadair" – "Deeply shaken by the death of so many people because of the fires in Greece, Italy is tightening around the Greek population and s & # 39; 39 is already activated by providing two Canadair ". Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte wrote it in a tweet

The two fires licking Athens – A huge fire arrives northeast of Athens, near Penteli, heading towards the city from Rafina. Near Mati, the Coast Guard was forced to intervene to evacuate the tourists trapped on the beach. A second fire devastates the pine forests in an area 50 kilometers west of Athens. The dense smoke, which reached the capital, forced the closure of the main highway connecting with the Peloponnese.

Firefighters in Action – Hundreds of firefighters and dozens of vehicles were deployed in the field. Seven fire planes and four helicopters are trying to circumscribe the fires from above. But that is not enough and Athens asks for help in Brussels. The governor of Attica, who proclaimed the state of emergency in the east and west, provides buses and water tanks to help in control the flames.

Violent fires in Athens: dead and thousands of evacuees [19659019] Greece asks the European Union to help extinguish the violent fires that have erupted around Athens. Many houses have been destroyed and thousands of people are fleeing the flames that are burning in two forests that lick the capital. There are victims and wounded. "I am very worried," said Prime Minister Tsipras, who is in constant contact with the emergency car. The flames were fueled by strong winds, with bursts at over 60 km / h, while a heat wave was raising the temperature around 40 degrees Celsius. Weather services provide a break in the night. According to the authorities, the origin of the fires is malevolent

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Thousands of evacuations – Thousands of people have fled, dozens of cars have been destroyed and houses have been burned. "The fire continues and continues, we call the inhabitants to go to Corinth to protect themselves and their children," is the dramatic appeal of the deputy mayor of Megara, which is located near Kineta, where the flames advance strong winds. "People are crying, screaming on the phone, cars are parked and sirens are ringing everywhere, the air is hot, the flames are close," says a playwright from a reporter near Rafina, not far from Penteli, fire epicenter. The survivors were transferred to hotels and military camps, while many worried parents come to Rafina to check the presence of their loved ones among them

Request for help to Europe – Greece has activated the European Civil Protection Mechanism to get help from its partners. The government spokesman recalled, inter alia, that there were "15 simultaneous outbreaks on three different fronts in Attica", which recommended the demand for drones from the United States, "to observe and detect any Suspicious activity". Faced with this situation, the Presidency of the Republic has canceled the annual reception planned today to commemorate the return to democracy in Greece in July 1974. For its part, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras quickly returned from his visit. a trip to Bosnia to follow operations. According to Tsipras, "more than 600 firefighters" are engaged in fires powered by winds up to 100 kilometers to the hour, including in Mati and Kineta, west of the island. Attica. Tsipras urged people in high-risk areas to "remember that the most precious thing is life" and not to try to protect their property at the cost of living.

Macedonia offers 100,000 euros to Greece it offered 6 million dinars, or about 100,000 euros, to help Greece fight the fires that killed more than 75 people near Athens. Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev announced it via Twitter, stating that money would be available for Greek institutions. The Skopje government will also establish a special body to monitor the situation and coordinate humanitarian badistance

Greece, violent fires around Athens: photos taken by fleeing tourists

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