Greece, more than 90 victims of fires


Most of the victims lost their lives in the fires, some drowned while trying to escape the flames


There are 91 dead and 25 missing devastating fires in recent days in Attica, Rafina and Mati, according to a spokesman of the Greek firefighters. Who stressed that many corpses still need to be identified in a process that will take a few more days. Meanwhile, Athens has been hit in recent hours by heavy floods. Firefighters said that they received 190 calls from people trapped in basements or cars.

Hundreds of volunteer divers, including former members of the navy, also continued this morning searching the sea of ​​Mati for other potential victims.

Hundreds of people attended Mbad the country most affected by tragedy

According to authorities, the fire was malevolent in nature and spread quickly because of the winds that were blowing at over 100 km / h. The database of the Center for Disease Epidemiology Research in Brussels indicates that it was the most deadly fire in Europe since 1900.

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