Gregorio De Falco tells Salvini and M5S that shipwrecked people must be saved


Gregorio De Falco Senator of MoVimento 5 Stelle publishes today an interview at Corriere della Sera in which, at the highest level of his competence, he explains to the ministers and propagandists of the government how he works at sea and because the executive is wrong:

"The shipwrecked has the right to be saved, without any evaluation, he does not count the l & rsquo; Origin, ethnicity The sinking is a factual situation from which derive obligations to any civilian or military person, Italian or foreign, who is able to bring help .

Do you agree when they say that it serves humanity?
"Look, mine is a technical discourse. The person rescued at sea on his descent from the ship is a shipwrecked, only after the start of immigration. "

Distinctions between ships?
" I do not do it because it does not regulate "

Do you agree on a relocation as for Aquarius?
"Of course, the borders are European and there must be a sense of solidarity and responsibility between the EU countries, even if at this moment it is a situation, that of shipwrecked, who has no biblical dimension ".

This is an instrumental case?
"I say that compared to a few years ago, the numbers are not exaggerated."

A few days ago, De Falco himself gave an interview to The Fact in which he explained more or less the same things. The captain does not seem enthusiastic about the M5S and League on the Mediterranean line. Will his competing opposition serve or will it end Fico?

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