Hacker Russi APT28 spy on Italy?


Cse Cybersec an Italian company specializing in digital security, reported that malicious software still with unknown potential are circulating on the Italian network. Italy has been the target of a spying campaign waged by a Russian group for weeks

The CSE experts have indeed identified on the Italian networks a backdoor, used to bypbad the defenses of the attacked systems, identified as a new variant of the X-Agent backdoor. Used to hit Windows systems, the backdoor named APT28 name of a Russian paramilitary group, would exfiltrate the data from compromised computers to send them to a command and control center located in Asia.

that would lead to Russian hackers would be different: the language in which the virus that carries the backdoor is written, the destination of the traffic that it generates, the type of threat, X-Agent, which was owned by APT 28, a pirate group connected to the Russian military intelligence services.

the group APT28 ì has been active since 2007 and has targeted governments, armed forces and security organizations. But most importantly, APT28 is one of the world's most famous hacker groups for being involved in stealing emails from Hillary Clinton who led the FBI James Comey to investigate it shortly before the US presidential election, thus paving the way for candidate Donald Trump.

APT28, acronym for Advanced Persistent

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