Haeres wants to mention Borsalino – MFFashion.com


  Haeres Wants to Cite Borsalino
A Borsalino Campaign

New Life and New Blood for Borsalino After the Plan of Acquisition by Equita Haeres of Philippe Camperio also overcame the last stumbling block: that of the awarding of the historic Spinetta Marengo plant, including machinery and equipment, and the rights of the shops to a hypothetical base price of 6.4 million euros.

"The story has been long and complicated for three years," said the Italian-Swiss entrepreneur himself, "but now we are working on an important five-year business plan. and strong of stable, fast and sustainable growth ". Words of comfort also for the 134 employees who will be able to keep their jobs. "Consistently with the results, we would like to be able to increase our production capacity by about 10% each year". The goal is to improve market performance, starting from a 2017 closed at 17.5 million euros with a gross operating result of 3 million, for to achieve, in terms of volumes, to quintuple the production starting from 150 thousand units

The way to follow for Haeres Equita, which in Italy is controlled 100% by B Collective and which in July 2017 had already taken over the Borsalino brand of Mediocredito for 18 million euros, "it is working the incredible DNA of the brand in a contemporary key". To do this, Camperio does not exclude the path of collaborations, "with other brands, designers and artists". This will take into account opportunities for brand extension and the need to balance the gender market, which today sees women at 30% of the total.

In terms of the market, however, "our first goal is to strengthen the presence in Japan, which is the largest after the Italian, and so in the US, which is worth today only 39. "One million euros, that 's what we should do only in New York." With regard to the Big Apple, a shop is expected to open in 2019, the first of which a series of four more, one for each business plan year

For Borsalino, however, the biggest challenge will be China, we are hardly present, "continues Camperio. More affordable, but ambitious, e-commerce plan, which will be launched in the fall with the goal of achieving a weight of 15 to 20%, is currently 5%. "At the end of the five-year period, we will evaluate the results and, among the badumptions, we can also think of a listing in Milan or London," concluded the manager.

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