He falls into a cliff on the Apuan Alps and dies


  Screenshot 07 2458301 at 17.52.05 Tragedy on the Apuan Alps in Versilia. Marco Buscemi 52 years old from Genoa died after falling into a cliff at Col Serra, along the Via Marmifera. The incident occurred this morning (1 July) around 11:15 but recovery operations lasted until early afternoon due to the rather impervious nature of the places. The tragedy, however, was consumed on the way 150 in the province of Mbada, bordering the territory of Seravezza, before the eyes of his partner, she as well as Buscemi an expert climber. On site, in addition to the Carabinieri, intervene the men of the Alpine Rescue and the Pegasus helicopter

  grinds Once recovered, the body of the hiker is transferred to the morgue of the. hospital of Versilia. To give the alarm, according to a first reconstruction, was the companion who was making the excursion with the victim. He saw it slip and fall into the void without being able to do anything. He shouted, he called but no one answered from the ravine.
The Genoese couple who had stayed at Rifugio Puliti and this morning had gone to reach the summit of Monte Macina. The trails that characterize this area are never commonplace: a rugged terrain very rugged, characterized by alternating debris, plates and ridges very sharp.
Monte Macina has always been considered a particularly severe peak and in fact the interventions in the area are monitored every year, both in winter and in summer.
The two experienced day trippers from Genoa had already faced the Pisanino summit last month and decided to complete their experience in the Apuan Alps with this peak, a typical and severe expression of apuano.
Once at the top, in the descent phase, Buscemi suddenly fell downstream and pbaded just above Route 150, 10 minutes from Pbado Sella. Here, unfortunately, he was recovered now without life.

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