He falls off the rope and dies. "Matteo was a security maniac" / PHOTO – Chronicle


Spilamberto (modena), July 1, 2018 – A Spilamberto Matteo Pancaldi for all & # 39; Panca & # 39; they all knew him a little. A few years in the country, he found himself more rarely: he had moved to Bologna and was often with his badociation, very busy in the "slackline". But on some occasions, at the fair or sometimes on weekends, he returned to "Spilla". and it was easy to meet him at the center


Even his parents, who still live just outside the center of Via Di Vittorio, are well known in the region: the mother, Lucia, and her father Marco, highly respected agronomist. The whole family, including Matteo's brother and sister, left for Trento yesterday to retrieve the boy's body, whose funeral could be repaired for tomorrow or Tuesday. The inquiries into the causes of the tragedy, in fact, are already closed and there will be no autopsies: according to the reconstitution of the police had its origins in a fatality fatal boy and not in a fault cables When Matthew said: "Lequilibrio is a metaphor for life"

"It was a brilliant boy really good – said yesterday the mayor Umberto Costantini, almost the same age as Matteo – Since we discovered this sport we have followed in many of his progress on the social and the living. A great love for a discipline that we absolutely do not need not to condemn, as it would be a wrong for the memory of Matthew who adored him.The slackline allowed him, as well as many others, to live great emotions to forge close ties with many friends, to live in a wonderful nature, to build a ver itable community of brave fans. When he told me his eyes were shining : I had also noticed him a week ago when I met him at the fair. "

" On my own behalf, and as mayor, representing the administration and the entire community – added the same Costantini -, I express my closeness to the family to the badociation & # 39; Slackline Bologna & # 39; and to the many friends of Matteo who live this moment of pain. I am one of you, I am with you. A big hug "


" He was a fantastic boy "Panca & # 39; – added Agnese Facchini, who with him and his badociation collaborated in the organization of sporting events -, a free spirit, always smiling is very determined in all that. he did. In recent months, I saw him at the office once a week and I can not believe that such a thing has happened to him. He was very scrupulous about security, he never left anything to chance. I can not explain it, really. It's a terrible sorrow for everyone, even for this group of friends who have the same pbadion and with whom they created a very strong bond ".

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