He falls off the rope and dies. Today the corpse of Matteo Pancaldi – Cronaca


Modena, July 2, 2018 – The body of Matteo Pancaldi originally from Trento and his relatives, will return home today. Although for the last farewells of all Spilamberto must wait until at least until tomorrow.

Any investigation into the dynamics and causes of the tragedy – which saw the 30-year-old dive for about 200 meters in the bush in front of friends practicing the slackline between two peaks in the Adige Valley – he has already been closed, with the riflemen now certain that the boy forgot to hang his harness to the security cable or that he made a mistake by doing so . So that no autopsy was organized, so that loved ones were able to speed up the bureaucratic procedures for the funeral. The funeral of "Panca", as his friends called him, will most likely take place tomorrow afternoon. There is still a possibility that the ceremony may fall on Wednesday morning, but at least in these hours we will know more.


Meanwhile Spilamberto remains a country in mourning, judged by the death of Matteo especially among his peers who grew up with him before losing sight of him with his transfer to Bologna. Sympathy for the 30-year-old "slackliner" also comes from Vignola's "Muratori" colleges, where this year's youth had taught the technology in four clbades: the first and second of two series "B" and "L" ( yesterday wrongly reported by the Carlino who had taught in a high school in another city of Modena, ndr )

ALSO READ "Matteo was a maniac of security" [19659003] We express all our pain – writes the teachers and the director of "Muratori" in a note from Collegio docenti – for the tragic loss of his colleague Pancaldi. Matteo, although very young, manages to get in tune with the boys of our school, instilling in them the love of nature, that he cultivates with pbadion and which unfortunately betrays him. He was endowed with a particular sensitivity for the world of science, for which he showed great curiosity and interest, a sensibility that oriented him towards teaching. The entire teaching body tightens affectionately around the family. " An ideal hug that dozens of people add, hour after hour, from all over Italy, to through social networks.

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