he had been surprised with a child


Yet another case of violence against minors, this time it was a priest of 70 years of Calenzano municipality of the metropolitan city of Florence for being sentenced to house arrest for abusing a child. A resident was aware of this and became suspicious when he saw a car parked at the back of the municipal supermarket at 10:30 pm: when he opened the car door, the situation was immediately clear.

a 10 year old girl

Everything happened on the night of [23 juillet 09] on July 23, 2018 when a Calenzano a resident became suspicious when he saw a car parked behind the Conad supermarket at around 22:30

When approaching to check, he surprised the village priest, don Paolo Glaentzer in the company of a 10-year-old girl. Evidence that it was a badual badault, he quickly opened the door of the car, let the girl out and immediately called the carabinieri. Meanwhile, the cries of the man have awakened the neighborhood, thus provoking anger against the 70 years: pending the arrival of the police, in fact, a crowd approached the place of violence and endangered the safety of the priest. The Carabinieri, known to linciaggio intervened to restore order and to remove Don Paolo Glaentzer, thus taking him to the barracks. At the same time, 118 people were called and three ambulances arrived on the spot to provide medical and health badistance mainly to the ten-year-old girl who was the victim of badual violence [VIDEO] and then to the various residents who, during the fight, they were hurt.

Home arrest of the 70-year-old priest of Calenzano

The intervention of the carabinieri triggered the arrest of the priest of Calenzano, but for now we have tried to keep the maximum reserve for what happened in this car with the baby. What has been leaked at this time is that, once at the barracks, the man confessed to interrogation that was not the first encounter that. he had with the 10-year-old daughter [VIDEO]: "evidence of the facts and confessions, due to the advanced age of the parish priest, the prosecutor's office provided him only house arrest . Meanwhile, it was also discovered that the child had been long followed by social workers from Calenzano and now he was prepared for her also psychological support.The incident raised contempt of the inhabitants of Calenzano, who would never have expected such behavior on the part of the parish priest of the city.

Don Paolo Glaentzer, 70 years old Altothino, had been ordained priest in 1975 and for a long time he had held the role of priest of the Church of San Rufignano in Sommaia, in the same municipality; also chaplain of the Teutonic Order for a few years. He was close to retirement, which would be in September.

This article has been verified with:

  • https://www.lanazione.it/firenze/cronaca/pedofilia-prete-arrestato-1.4055423
  • http://firenze.repubblica.it/cronaca/2018/07/25/news/calenzano_prete_sorpreso_in_auto_con_una_bambina_rischia_il_linciaggio-202610447 /

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