he had just celebrated his birthday


Celebrating his birthday – 37 – in a night club of Agrigento, surrounded by the affection of family, friends and acquaintances. A few hours later, in Via Luca Crescente, the tragedy: he lost control of his bike, crashed against a wall and died. The victim is Marco Ferrera, 37 years old.

The man, aboard his BMW R1250, would have lost control of the vehicle to end up on a wall and die instantly. The incident occurred around 4:30 on the road connecting Porta Aurea to Sal Leone. The 37-year-old, according to the first reconstructions, traveled in the direction of Agrigento.

On the spot for the ritual reliefs the police of the Stradale, coordinated by the vice-commissioner Andrea Morreale, and the section "Volanti" of Agrigento. It will be up to them to reconstruct the exact dynamics of the accident

That was Marco Ferrera

The good smile, the pbadion for football that has also long become his profession. Midfielder, heart and muscles and former captain of the Porto Empedocle team. Partisan of Lazio and former student of the Leonardo Sciascia Institute, Marco Ferrera was well known in Porto Empedocle and Agrigento. The 37 year old has worked in insurance.

The video – The life of a 37-year-old empedoclin loses its life

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